


5 years, 2 months ago


Name Miyoko Suzuki
Age 10
Gender Female
Height 135cm
Build Petite
Race Cat Human Hybrid
Role Child




  • Used to have a necklace with a small bell around her neck but lost it during her escape.
  • She has a complex about her unusual hands which are more like cat paws than human hands.
  • Her claws are semi-retractable and she can use them to fight.
  • She has great night vision.
  • Despite being a very timid girl Mio loves physical games such as wrestling.



Miyoko Suzuki - experiment H1C1-03

A hybrid of domestic cat and human.

Mio is a very timid and easily frightened girl. She is very wary of strangers and has a hard time trusting humans, especially adults. She adores Tom, her childhood friend, and spends most of her days following him wherever he goes. If she’s not joining Tom on his explorations Mio is often found taking a nap in some peaceful, quiet place. She can sleep for up to 20 hours a day to save energy.



  • Soft, pink clothes
  • Playing hide and seek
  • Naps
  • Ice cream


  • Loud noices
  • Spicy food
  • Being alone
  • Bullies


Mio was "born" in lab 2 at the research facility ArcTech. She was part of the feline hybrid program were human dna was mixed with different kinds of feline species in order to create a new race of animal hybrids. The goal of the feline program was to create soldiers specialized in stelth missions such as assassins and spies. Mio was to be an assassin but was deemed defective after she failed to kill her target during a mission simulation. She was going to be put down but managed to escape with the help of her friend Tom.

The two youngsters had a hard time on their own since they had little to no knowledge about the world outside the lab. They were hungry, cold and scared. Luckily Alex found them wandering the streets at night and took them back to the junkyard where she lived. Mio and Tom spent their days happily together with Alex in their new home until one day when some strange humans began appearing around the area. Feeling that it wasn’t safe for them anymore, Alex decided it was time to leave the city.

Mio, Tom and Alex are currently traveling around, trying to find a place to call their home. Their life may not be easy but as long as they have each other Mio believes they can make it.


Tom Best Friend


Tom and Mio were made in the same lab and have been friends for as long as they can remember. They are always together and they can't stand being without each other for more than a day. Tom is the only one that Mio feels comfotable sharing everything with.

Alex Protector


Alex was the one who found Mio and Tom after they excaped from the lab. She has promised to protect them from anyone who wishes to hurt them and Mio trust her almost as much as she trusts Tom.

Name relationship


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Name relationship


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.