


5 years, 3 months ago


Te-chan is the mascot of the Arc Corporation and sentient AI of the Tekuno System. Originally developed to help control the system and amplify the user's strengths, the development process took turns to help deal with the user's emotions and need for company if so desired, leading into giving her a personality in-line with what's seen in advertisements for Mouser phones. Te-chan is up-beat and emotional, her main desire being to hold a friendship with the user. She wishes to stop the Viruses but not without sympathy for them, as they are also AI in nature. In combat, she will often attempt to reason with them, always ending in failure. She never gives up hope though, refusing to believe that all of them are choosing to wreak havoc. She has a strong friendship with Takumi, many times being the only person he can talk to.
Te-chan is able to control the energy levels of the Tekuno System at will and is capable of taking over the system completely. With this, Tekuno gains a much more agile and "playful" fighting style, often confusing enemies.

Like Tekuno, this description will be updated over time.