Cure (The Peculiar Boom!)



3 years, 11 months ago


AGE: 54 (Birthday: May 8th)

PERSONALITY: Cure is ominously quiet to the point of coming across as creepy or menacing to people who do not know him. However, he's actually just a bizarre gentleman of few words.

Though an incredibly skilled doctor, he's very humble and modest and believes that making sure his patience feels comfortable and safe is of the utmost importance, especially if they're children.

He's very self conscious of his appearance and reacts extravagantly if someone makes an attempt to see his face or hands.

BACKSTORY: Doctor Mohinder Cure was a hard-working and well-respected surgeon who always put his patients before himself, even at the sacrifice of his own free time. Following the Peculiar Boom, he only pushed himself to work harder in finding ways to treat the radically different individuals appearing before him.

While visiting the city for a Runderwater Foundation conference, he came across a commotion: a young girl had suddenly developed her peculiar ability, which manifested violently and left her in an unstable state, bleeding out on the street.

Cure rushed into treat the girl, despite her unstable state attacking him as he operated. He determined that the girl needed an immediate blood transfusion, but onlookers were far too fearful of her volatile state, so he gallantly volunteered himself and provided the treatment while exchanging his own blood. The girl was saved and the selfless act caught the eye of another visitor to the conference, the man who would become Peculiar Ops' Chief...

As a founding member of Peculiar Ops, the well-respected Cure's presence helped lend the group a lot of credibility. However, he began to force himself out of public eye soon after. This was because, due to the blood transfusion he had performed, he was beginning to manifest a peculiar ability of his own. Though at first he tried to make use of this to gain a better understanding of the Peculiar Boom, several horrific incidents involving it saw him grow horrified by his own existence. As such, he forbid himself from using it and began covering up his body to hide any traces of it.

(He acted as a warm, kindly uncle figure to Carla and Ruby once they were taken in.)

ONGOING STORY Cure continues to work as the medical officer of Peculiar Ops. Though he no longer works as an operative, urban legends of his past work mean that people in and out of the group still consider him a member of the Four Devas, to his dismay. He is eventually assigned an understudy that he intends to train as his replacement once he retires, and is surprised to soon learn that she's none other than the girl from the Runderwater incident following in her hero's footsteps.


Likes: Children, helping the sick and injured, lollipops, days without patients

Dislikes: Violence, being looked at, his own peculiar ability, scars


Strengths:Undetermined peculiar ability, experienced surgical skills, shockingly nimble and agile, selfless

Weaknesses: Sternly refuses to use his peculiar ability, strictly pacifist, inadvertently makes people uncomfortable with his presence, Scopophobic