I candyfloss I Koromo ▲



5 years, 3 months ago



"peace comes from within"

Name Koromo
Species Candyfloss
Flavor truffle
Gender male
Age 9 (26 human years)
Height 6'
Clan Beta
Ability levitation
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Relationship Married
Occupation Owns a Aquarium


  • cool temps
  • colorful fish
  • snakes/lizards
  • meditating
  • yoga
  • nature's sounds
  • wildlife
  • camping/hiking
  • classical music
  • poetry


  • high temps
  • big cities
  • fowl language
  • easy tempered floss
  • raising his voice
  • loud noises

Protective . Loving . Elogant

Personality: Very easy going and mellow, Koromo is very hard to get riled up. He takes everything in strides, and goes with the flow of events around him. He much prefers the company of creatures, to that of candyfloss, and is weird in that way. He speaks his mind, though often times he'll sugar coat it, so it comes off as being more gentle. He is very protective over all of the fish, snakes, and lizards he owns, and often times puts them before himself. He doesn't shy away from the gore side of his job, when it comes to feeder animals or cleaning of cages. And actually quite diligent when it comes to cleaning, to the point of being compulsive. In any relationship he is in, he is either a dom or sub in the relationship (switch), even when dating males. He just has this controlling personality about him when around more submissive candyfloss but around more dominant that is matched with his gentleness. Giving way to the perfect balance of a switch. 

-Koromo and Kiraiya have decided they’re ready to take the next step in their relationship and try for a baby. They get their finances together and set aside room for a nursery. They talk to their doctor and start to try. After a short few weeks of attempts Kiraiya's test comes back positive. Koromo and Kiraiya are elated. Their hard work has finally paid off! Kiraiya and Koromo rejoice together, filled with hope and love. They are so excited to become parents, and have everything planned out and prepared for the new member of their family.
- It has been several weeks since Kiraiya and Koromo discovered that they were having a baby. They have told their friends and family and everyone is happy for them. The doctor says everything is going smoothly, and Kiraiya has never looked so beautiful. The two are in love more than ever and are so excited to meet their little kitten. They spend every spare moment preparing for their new arrival. On days off, the two go shopping for adorable little kitten supplies. They have everything they need and more. Kiraiya still isn't showing, but it's only a matter of time. The doctor has told them their due date is Nov 15th. Her morning sickness is mild and Koromo is there to help however he can. They are both confident that they will be great parents, and are hopeful for the future.  
- This pregnancy has been especially hard on Kiraiya. She and Koromo are both very scared to be parents, and are just hoping that things don't take a turn for the worst. Koromo has to work, so Kiraiya is left to go to the doctors on her own. The doctors run some tests to make sure everything is okay. Nervously  Kiraiya  waits to hear the results of the tests. Thankfully their kitten passed all the tests, and should be perfectly healthy. The doctor revealed that the kitten will be a boy! With new information under their belt, the two move forward with their preparations.  Kiraiya  finds it hard to go to work, but pushes on, while Koromo tries to find time to read up on what the two should expect in the next few months.
- Kiraiya is in her final trimester and is very round. The kitten seldom moves, but if he’s lucky Koromo can catch a move. Kiraiya is having a hard time, and was forced to take off work. Money is tight, but Koromo and Kiraiya have the bare essentials. Kiraiya stays in bed most of the time, and Koromo is usually at work, but when the two are together they try to make the best of it. Kiraiya is unable to go to any classes, but watches videos online to try to prepare herself for what is coming. She is scared to give birth, but Koromo is there to help her when he can. The two don't bother throwing a kitten shower, and prefer to save their money for the arrival. However, they are surprised when their close friends show up with gifts and balloons to celebrate for them. It's just a small gathering but it lifts Koromo and Kiraiya’s spirits. The due date is growing closer, and they are both very nervous for the change.

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