I candyfloss I Brinley ♥



5 years, 2 months ago



"the sweetest soul"

Name Brinley
Species Candyfloss
Flavor Sugar
Gender female
Age 8 (24 human years)
Height 4'2
Clan Lambda
Ability Emotion manipulation
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Relationship dating
Occupation Daycare Teacher


  • kittens
  • reading
  • hanging out with friends
  • stuffed animals
  • the ocean
  • frilly things
  • bunnies
  • carrot cake
  • poetry


  • foul language
  • rudeness
  • pressure
  • lying

Loving . Charismatic . Nurturing

If you were to look up the word nurturing in the dictionary, there would be a picture of Brinley. She is very sweet and caring, with a gentle touch. She shy's away from relationships but only because she can't work herself up to flirt or talk to the opposite sex. The main reason why she hasn't been able to find new love. When she gets into her nerves, she doesn't talk much so you need to get her to open up to you before you'll get anywhere with her. She only has a few close friends due to this reason, and sticks to them like glue. She is easy to blush, and loves poetry and being romanced. Any type of volatile situations has her fleeing from the scene so you'll never see her stick up for herself. Instead she keep her mouth shut, and look anywhere else besides the person confronting her. She is amazing with kittens (baby candyfloss) which isn't surprising with her occupation. Her co-workers like to codd at her for being the infant whisperer, since she can calm any crying kitten down almost immediately.

Brinley has had a pretty rough start into her adult life however. Her first love of her life and their kitten was taken from her in the hurricane that hit lambda territory. The same hurricane that heralded the finding of the Rho clan and a whole new flavor. Lost deep into her depression due to her loss, she no longer could go to work to see all the kittens, missing her own. She would hide inside her house and didn't care for herself. Locked in the depths of her sadness it didn't take long before she wanted to join her family. Planning out her own suicide and putting all of her affairs in order she was ready.

Taking a small boat from the marina far into the ocean. She waited till she was in the middle of no where with no other ships or boats in sight. Even if she had a last minute change of heart she had no more gas for the return back. She didn't change her mind though, attaching diving weights around her waist and ankles, she jumped off the boat into the dark depths. Her mind going dark and foggy just as she sees an outline swimming toward her.

That outline was Llyr, a taffyfloss from the deeps that caught her in the last moments of her life to save her from drowning. From that moment on the taffyfloss became Brinley's shadow. Following her around and keeping her safe. The small sugarfloss was furious at him at first for saving her and repeatedly told him to go away and that she didn't need him. For the gentle care and constantly being there for her turned over Brin's heart. They became friends and eventually lovers. 

HTML by lowkeywicked