Sam Briggs



5 years, 3 months ago


Samantha Briggs is the side character of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. She is a mechanic and does not own a mobile suit.

Name: Samantha Briggs
Alias: Bolts
Age: 18 (GW) / 19 (EW)
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Brown
Occupation: Mechanic / Returners Agent

Love Interest:

Her nickname of Bolts came from her father, with her sister two years her senior was lovingly dubbed Nuts. Sam has been in the customer service industry for awhile and it shows. She can hold a conversation with the most walled off of people, staying friendly the whole time. It also helps when she's on intercom with the enemy, sassing them into distraction with a cheerful yet monotone voice one would only expect to come out of a fast food service speaker. 

Sam is still wishing she'd called in for work on the day she met Duo. Her family owns a fairly well known mechanic shop mostly for standard vehicles like cars and motorcycles, though as the war picked up they found themselves offering to help with smaller things like guns and, in some cases, the smaller detail oriented sections of mobile suits for the military. The last one was less of their own wishes and more they were bullied into it, gently. Stationed companies would come to the Brigg's shop, Second Chance Auto & More, to 'borrow' her dad, sister, and occasionally herself to go to the military base to help with repair jobs. Through these forced jobs, she got rather proficient at fixing mobile suits.
Which really came in handy when a Gundam Pilot all but walked through her doors and started asking for parts she knew weren't for any kind of motorcycle like he kept trying to say it was. 

Irritated with how the military had treated her family, Sam told the pilot to drop the act and agreed to help, even offering to pose as some kind of mole for information to help the pilots out since as far as anyone knew, her family had no connection to the boys. Duo was reluctant to put her in danger, but Sam pulled age-rank on him and he eventually caved. She stayed on Earth up until everyone decided to take the fight to space, hopping aboard with Howard and the others to help with repairs. 

Even after the battle is over and she stays with the newly formed group of Returners, Sam doesn't step inside a mobile suit to help fight. Instead, she tells everyone she's better suited for the repair bay.