[$15] Seagraves



5 years, 3 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Offer


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Feel free to change anything once purchasing. They're yours, after all!

I add personality notes, but they're more suggestions, by no means feel obligated to keep them.

Please don't resell for more than you purchased them for, unless they have additional art.

Old info below, keep or ditch as much as desired:

Name: Seagraves Nio

Nickname: Graves, Spec

Age: 31

Gender: M

Abilities: Super-strength, thick skin, enhanced senses, claws


  • Attention
  • Soft beds
  • Cool people


  • Dirt on his claws
  • Bad jokes
  • Tripping 

Personality: Seagraves is prissy and self-interested, with a desire to be seen as cool by everyone around him. His social skills leave much to be desired, though, as he'd been sheltered for most of his life until his family turned on him. As such, his attempts to earn admiration often fall flat, and his pride flares up in flashes of indignant anger. Though his life perspective has been shaken since his move to Sciyr, he maintains a self-serving nature nonetheless, and has difficulty understanding the plights of others.


Seagraves was born to a decently wealthy family in Matrere. His mother was a pretty good magician, enough to trade with it for other services, and he has fond memories of seeing little shows of magic from her. There were rumors about that she was having an affair, with someone undesirable, no less, and they were confirmed to him when she deserted in the dead of night, without leaving so much as a note. The remaining family members were immediately disgraced by the community, and they decided that, since Seagraves was her only child and the only one actually related to her, it would restore their honor if he left. So he was forced to leave. Long story short, he wandered to Sciyr looking for help, and found it in a man named Bladez who took him in as a guard when no one else would give him the time of day. He became used to his strange, less-good new life, though he became bitter for the comfortable one he left behind. Still, he understood he could have been much worse off and felt grateful to his employer for the strange generosity. Unfortunately, his gratitude did not overtake his need to watch out for number one, and when Bladez was exiled he decided to stay where he was. New management was new management, even if he missed Arlus.

Fun Facts: Picky with food. Crushed on Arlus, to no avail. Used to do drugs, but cannot in Sciyr. Is a decent horseback rider, but had his stolen.