


5 years, 1 month ago


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Name Orion Blackfield
Nickname/s Ori
Gender Male
Year Dependant

defensive . snappish . intelligent

Typically 6th year Slytherin
Seeker for the Slytherin quidditch team
Birth date is October 30th
Patronus is a cat
Amortentia smells like old books, his cat, and a faint scent of chocolate to him

Thin, lanky build
Ebony hair
Silvery, light gray eyes
Pale complexion

~ Wand ~
Aspen wood (wood of duelists)
Pheonix feather core


With such a small stature, Ori finds himself at a disadvantage most of the time- but only physically. His study-oriented mind most often makes up for what he lacks in height.
While confident in his abilities, he despises most forms of ego or vanity (in others but mostly himself), and often reacts to compliments with a stiff, deflecting response.
Best class is Charms.

He prefers to keep quiet most of the time, but won’t hesitate to put someone in their place if they dare disturb him in his studies or contemplative silence.
The only one he shows his deep insecurities to is his cat, a sweet yet feisty little calico he named Artemis.

Adult career is Obliviator

Isn't aware of what his patronus is bc when he tries to cast it, there isn't a single happy thought in his mind that produces anything more than a wisp.

- oh honeyyy y'know he's got daddy issues
- his mother died when he was 7, leaving him with his slowly declining father (though things weren't that good to begin with tbh)
- he never broke away from his desperation to impress though, even through his years at hogwarts
- he has a terrible habit of bottling up literally everything, which leads to rare yet very explosive private breakdowns when it comes to a head
- he's a perfectionist when it comes to pretty much everything and absolutely strives to live up to his father's exceptionally unrealistic expectations
am i projecting more than a little????? m a y b e 

- japanese-european?
- average length hair from first year to fourth, then he let it grow out and started wearing it tied back most of the time
- plays the piano bc i say so haha bc it was the only thing that helped him escape during his childhood ksjdfg

 Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?

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