Enrico Torres



5 years, 6 months ago


  • He,His,and Him 
  • Single 
  • Age:17 
  • Birthday: February 28th 
  • Species: Akita Inu
  • Zodiac Signs: Pisces
  • He is half American and half Australian 
  • He is in love with America's trending clothing for teenage boys, he wears them to impress himself more than people.
  • He has tried weed once because a formed convinced him it was great for stress after that he decided to never try it again but couldn't stop because it made him feel things are okay.
  • He has never been in a relationship to his eyesight it seems sort of cringy.  
  • Listens to mostly rap, trap or anything that captures his interests. 
  • He attends school and educates more to be successful and get the job he wants. 
  • He speaks more English around friends and outside even if he learn the language Italian in school. 
  • He will be a person who gets so alert 
  • Mother and Father: born in Australia 
  • He was born in America 
  • He loved to have friends but some people he looks like someone you can't approach. 
  • Can be slight stubborn and hide his emotions from others. 
  • Tries out dancing, basketball, singing, art, and fashion during school clubs 
  • Whenever he's free and not that busy for homework and chores he goes to work out. 
  • Parents were stricter but they would brush that away soon when they know their son still continue good things in school. 
  • He wants to enjoy his life while he's at it.