Fawn (BC)





  • Nature
  • Singing
  • The Kingdoms
  • 'Monsters'

  • Humankind
  • Judgement
  • Death
  • Sharp Blades


Anna Blake



fawn (by monsters)








oct 23rd








political ally


between kingdoms


human kingdom


broken crowns













  • Anna is nicknamed 'Fawn' by the monsters.
  • She is currently in a relationship with the Warrior Prince.

The Start.

Anna was born in the main kingdom, under the rule of the Rightful king. Her family was poor, and the young girl often found herself wandering in the woods while her parents worked for the kingdom. It didn't take long before she ran into a few passing members of the Monster kingdom, and they panicked upon seeing a young human wandering in their territory. They said something- nothing important, but Anna understood it. She responded to them in her own tongue, causing the others to panic. No human knew their language- and yet, she understood perfectly. Her own commonspeak was sloppy and underdeveloped- the obvious marks of a young child- but she was able to carefully mimic the motions to speak in an equally choppy version of the strangers' language. They ended up leaving her be once she explained that her parents would be looking for her and she didn't want them to get accused of anything.

After that, her life was fairly plain and simple. She would visit the Monster Kingdom in secret, speaking with those living there. She met a particularly interesting monster- one made of Magic and Darkness- named Umbra, who quickly became her best friend. They would talk together about life in both their worlds, and how they differed, and Anna always found herself saddened by the way that the monsters were forced to live in fear of the humans deciding that they no longer wanted peace. There were already some human hunting parties who were dedicated to bringing in Monster kills if the poor souls ever crossed the ever-shrinking borders between the kingdoms. Her own home had a skull proudly mounted on their wall- thinking about it made her stomach churn. She had vowed to her friend that she would help make things right! Though... she had no idea where to start...

Until one day in her teenage years, when she'd been caught by her parents wandering into the Monster Kingdom's borders. She panicked and responded to them in Monstertongue, which horrified them both. They brought her before the Warrior King and begged him for advice on what to do. The Warrior King was no fool, and he told them that she would be an excellent ally for political reasons, so she was brought into the castle and assigned work as a translator of sorts. The Monster King spoke the human language, but no one could be sure that he wasn't planning an uprising when he turned to his guards and spoke quietly in his own language. No one but Anna, that was. The Monster King was the one who proposed she find a nickname, when he struggled to get the hard A of her name out of his lips. The two spoke, and settled on 'Fawn', as it was a shared word for a soft but powerful creature.

Her time as a translator lasted a long while, and let Anna experience life within both kingdoms. During most of the week she would find herself trailing around the kingdom following the Warrior king- getting to know him little by little, as well as helping him translate whenever needed. The other king at the time, the Flower King, seemed to find her a little bit unneeded, so he rarely called upon her for help. Anna and the Warrior King grew closer and closer as the years went on, and she was so happy to be helping him.

The Banishment.

One night, Umbra and Anna had an argument. It wasn't anything deadly or serious, but it was seen by a human. That human had heard a few words of the shared languages- namely the king's names, and death. They quickly told the kings of the exchange, and while Umbra and Anna were still speaking, an arrow suddenly lodged itself in Anna's arm. She fell to the ground, just in time to watch as her best friend was killed before her. In a panicked dash, she grabbed her friend's body, and started running. Another arrow whizzed by, slamming into a petrified branch and causing it to explode into splinters around her. Her left eye was damaged in the burst, but she didn't care at that moment.

Anna dragged her friend's corpse away for what felt like days, though by the slowly brightening light, must have just been overnight. When she finally stopped, she was in a lush part of the forest, bright greens that she was not used to seeing around their home. She held a funeral for her friend, and got to work with clay and mud and the trunks of the trees to build herself a makeshift home.

For almost half a decade, she lived in peace. It was just her and the animals- who she'd learned she could understand as well. She was not lonely, and had taken her friend's magic and condensed it into a clear ball that now sat within her damaged eye's socket. It gave her access to spells- which only made her new, lonely life better. She was fine, doing things by herself- being by herself. There was nothing wrong with dying in these woods alone, because she'd already lost what she had been thinking of as most important.

The Return.

Anna was woken one night by a loud crashing sound, followed by hoofbeats and clanging armor. The kingdoms had found her, and leading the charge was the man that she had found herself in love with- the Warrior. He stopped before her door, and she brought herself out before him with no struggle. Within seconds she was knocked off her feet, and when she woke up, she was in a cell. She learned that her lover had become a prince, and no longer had a say in her survival. A tearful goodbye was had in private, before he steeled himself and ripped the magic eye from her.

Her last two days were spent in that cell, before her lover lopped her head off.

Shh...! Don't talk so loud, they can't know I'm here...!

Anna is a translator, working for the Human Kingdom. She is not what she seems.

There is a darkness within her heart, focused towards her own kind. She is sweet on the surface, but harbors plenty of ill will towards those like her. They should've never trusted a person who spoke like a monster. Who’s to say she hadn’t been masterminding each and every attack laid upon the humans? Gaining their trust with ‘saving’ them with her skills, biding her time until an all-out massacre!