Vyarith Norixus



5 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Bronze dragonborn


Cleric (multiclassing sorcerer from draconic bloodline after Umberlee stops her progress as cleric)


Neutral good


Believes there is good in everyone and every situation. Worst case, they are providing justification for her to sacrifice them to her goddess!


Empathy - It is important to see from someone's eyes before judging them.


Goddess of the sea, Umberlee, chose her from a young age and she tries to keep her appeased so she does less harm than she would otherwise.


Superstitious and tries not to offend deities, particularly Umberlee. Because she is CE, G people tend to be wary of her.


Vyarith was born in an ocean town to the Norixus clan of bronze dragonborn, and it was quickly noticed that, unlike her kin, she was born with small, vestigial wings incapable of flight. There were legends in her clan of such things happening, and those individuals tended to have great sorcerous abilities tied to their draconic ancestry. Dragonborn recognize her wings from afar and know to keep an eye on her, but Vyarith typically ignores it.

Her family assumed this destiny was what caused the goddess Umberlee to choose Vyarith to champion her, for a purpose known only by the goddess. Vyarith was taken in by another follower of Umberlee and educated in the goddess's terrible power. Despite the goddess's own CE alignment, Vyarith is innately drawn to good and viewed her goddess's patronage as a way to help prevent the deaths of innocents.

She struggles slightly with the evil impulses Umberlee offers, but tries to use them to do good. Umberlee seems to believe Vyarith is wasting her potential, but Vya tries to reason and avoid offending her goddess at the same time. This causes her to be VERY superstitious.

For many of her teenage years, Vya was paid by sailors to travel with them so her presence would prevent Umberlee from destroying their ships. Vya found it slightly boring, though, and felt Umberlee calling her to do more battle.

Vya decided to start adventuring to help people using her gifts, though she likely won't cause the chaos Umberlee expects.

After reaching level 6 as cleric, switches to sorcerer (using her draconic bloodline gifts) because she hasn't followed Umberlee's directions enough and Umberlee ceases her progress, though she doesn't rescind all her gifts and still lends aid as long as it doesn't directly contradict Her will. 

After maxing out her sorcery abilities, her wings grow and she is able to use them for actual flight in limited capacity.