


5 years, 2 months ago


Name Spotty
Species Pallio Dog
Age ???
Height 2'0"
Weight 49 lbs
Gender Male, he/him
Birthday Sept. 30th
Occupation ???
Design Notes N/A yet?
Extra Info OH GOD uhh HE-

Status Never for Sale
Designer Solminol
Worth ???

White #f4f4f4
Dark Blue #113330
Blue #41afa9
Eyes/Cape #d5fc8e

To be summarize his personality, he's a nervous wreck who loves outer space and video games.

Spotty is a fuzzball full of anxiety, he stutters a lot in his speech. He deals with a lot of trust issues thus making it a long process for Spotty to fully trust and open up. To those who are close to him, he's a total sweetheart and almost a different person. Suddenly, he's talkative and invites them over to play games or talk their head off about astronomy. Spotty deeply admires outer space and reads lots of books on it. He likes to collect spaceship figures and video game character figures. He also enjoys going to the nearby fields to watch the nightsky and its small number of stars.

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