Noah's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

MrBoodle Global Rules

- My Terms and Services -

  • My designs MAY be resold, traded, or gifted at the prices they were purchased at, with the addition of the price of applicable art. If they were free designs, you may not sell them outright but you may charge for extra art as long as I don't explicitly state it cannot be transferred. You may trade or gift free designs.
  • You may make changes to whatever extent you want, as long as I'm credited for my original work
  • You may change species as you desire, but if you are transferring them into a closed species please ask me first (To ensure that their rules do not conflict with my interest in my work)
  • You may use my designs in breedings as long as the offspring are not clones/copies of the design and not abused for profit.
  • My designs are not available for commercial use unless discussed otherwise