Nerim the great sage



5 years, 3 months ago


Name Nerim
Age ???
Gender Female
Height 5'10
Build Pear
Race Human
Role Sage




  • Her life has not known peace ever since she met the shining force.
  • She wishes she could sleep everyday, but that will never happen.
  • Is very close to strangling someone. It doesn't matter who.
  • She's met a really nice tank along her journey and took him in as an apprentice.
  • Her hair is naturally purple. Yeah, that can happen in this universe.

Nerim The Great Sage


She's resilient, she's sweet, and merciless when it comes to the Dark Lord, that's the Great Sage for you!

Nerim was a sweet and gentle soul that helped out anyone in her need, she has carefully build up this persona of pure elegance...that is...until it all went crumbling down when she met the shining force. These clowns have tested her patience time and time again, but she eventually snapped and became grumpy and miserable thanks to them.

Nerim is, as you can see, the Great Sage of Miitopia. She travels all over Miitopia helping out anyone she can, using powerful magic to defeat the Dark Lord's creations. She can mostly use sealing magic to trap any monster and after they're captured, she purifies them, sending the face off to it's original owner. She can also slightly see into the future, but only maybe a day or two forward.



  • Sleep
  • Peace
  • Cats
  • The Divine Spirit


  • The Shining Force
  • The Dark Lord
  • Silliness
  • Time


Before Nerim ever became the Great Sage, she was but a simple traveler with 9 other travelers, they were the heros of Miitopia that protected them from evil and monsters...until one member of their group cast away his face and became an evil curse, and took over another member's body. Nerim and the others tried to fight them back, but suffered the consequences and they were scattered over Miitopia, losing their memories...Except Nerim, who now dedicates her life to saving her teammates.


Ken Acquaintances


Nerim goes out of her way to avoid Ken snd co. She hates dealing with them, they're reckless idiots that get in trouble more often then not. If she could, she would never interact with them, but since they're the next group of heros to save Miitopia, she has to brace herself and talk to them once in a while.

Edward Mentee


Edward really looks up to Nerim, thinking her exploits around Miitopia are super cool. Nerim only took Edward on as an apprentice because she pittied him, but knows better then to do that again. He can be a bit annoying with his starry-eyed nature, but it's charming in a way. They travel together now and find ways to help out others in need.

Name relationship


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Name relationship


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante. Aliquam magna libero, dictum sit amet scelerisque ac, scelerisque tincidunt magna. Nulla et consectetur diam. Aliquam ipsum mi, tristique sed vestibulum ac, aliquet eget magna.

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