| side mafia characters



8 years, 2 months ago


melita caruso | enzo's mother | alive
forty-two, female, heterosexual, volpino italiano.

melita thought that emilio was the love of her life, always fond of his sensitivity and generousity--which, looking back, was probably more of an aversion to confrontation and fighting than a constant desire to keep her pleased. the pregnancy came as a surprise, but she was thrilled when he proposed to her because of it, sure that they would have a happy, loving marriage. she chose vincenzo's name, a name meaning victory, because even though he wasn't planned, she honestly saw him as a wonderful miracle. melita dove into being a housewife and being a mother eagerly, taking no greater pleasure than keeping house and looking after her son, and she loved spending time with him--although she would have preferred having more time together all three of them, as a family. when she discovered exactly what kind of work emilio was doing, melita completely turned on him, making sure he was well aware that she viewed the mafia as scummy, terrible criminals who cares only for themselves. because emilio wouldn't--or couldn't leave his job with them, their relationship continued to diminish until melita finally left him. with barely enough funds for herself and worries that the family would come after her out of revenge for hurting emilio, she left her son beside, convinced he would be safer where he was than wherever she ended up.

giovanni "vanni" merlini | luka's father | deceased
twenty-one at time of death, would be forty-three, heterosexual, albino cottontail rabbit
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