


5 years, 3 months ago


Amelia was a bitter child who grew into an aggressive (but at least more loving) adult. She was originally my SoulSilver character, and her backstory had something to do with being reincarnated by Lugia after being killed in the fire of Burned Tower in Jhoto, however the full details didn't really make sense as I had designed her first when I was a kid. It went along the lines of, a pokemon shoved her aside in order to save its trainer and ended up inadvertently trapping her in the tower, where she burned alive. Lugia resurrected her for whatever reason and left her as a newborn on the steps of her current mother's home. Her mother hadn't married at least until she was older, possibly not at all, and raised her as best as a single mother could (she believed Amelia to be a gift from the gods- she wasn't wrong). 

Amelia was terrified of pokemon as a young child and hated them into her teen years. Her mother reached out to Professor Elm in Amelia's early teens, begging him to help her with this as she had no idea how to break her daughter of this trait. Professor Elm had the girl run him a couple errands (which she only agreed to do because her mother was holding her pokegear hostage until she did), at the end of which Professor Elm gave her a cyndaquil.

That cyndaquil was just as apathetic as she was, and she called him Al. However, just with the rest of her pokemon, she had given Al an even cruder, more casual nickname- Lil' Shit. And this is what she would mostly refer to him as when speaking to him directly, not in battle. Needless to say, she wasn't the best battler. Her and Al hardly synced up, and half the time he didn't even listen to her. Just followed her around cause he had no where else to go.

Then she saved a kakuna. It had fell and tumbled far away from its hive, scared and alone. It couldn't move. She felt a twinge of pity for the thing but ultimately would have left it if Al had not insisted on carrying it with him. So she took it, and cared for it, and slept with it in her arms. It felt safe with her. It evolved soon enough into a powerful beedrill, and she told it to fly back to its hive but it refused. She was its hive now. She named it Maddeline. But also "Gay Ass" because it acted very friendly and loving toward her. Maddeline and Al are the two she would call partners.

Then a sentret tagged along. It literally just wouldn't leave and was actually gay for Al, probably. It never stayed with them directly, but every time Amelia set up camp, it was always there by the fire to steal food. Then it'd vanish. It slowly stayed closer and closer until eventually it as sleeping in the camp with them. She caught it and named it Matthew, a.ka. Stupid Ass, because it wasn't the most clever teammate.

Next she "caught" a mareep because it was lying down in the middle of the road with its eyes shut like it was dead. She was trying to get it into a bag to move off of the road since they had to walk there and that was disgusting. She succeeded in bagging it and was going to throw it out when it began to move and she freaked the hell out. She named it Maddy in my game, although honestly I might just change all of these names to really simple ones that don't all sound the same. Anyway. She often calls this one "fuckin' retard" because of how it always acts like it's dead and refuses to move sometimes, and she threatens to leave it there but never does, but if she did it would probably be dead eventually...or y'know. Not. It managed to survive on its own for this long.

I don't have much of a backstory for her jumpluff. Can't even remember what she named it. I just know that it never got a crude nickname- she was too far in her journey by that point and had (for the most part) stopped calling them by such awful names. However, her jumpluff will answer to, "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?"

Since she was brought back by Lugia, I'm thinking of making her an acolyte, like Jal is for Celebi. It'd be interesting since both legendaries originate in Jhoto. I want to give her another redesign if I do that, though, probably change her color scheme to resemble Lugia's more.






