


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Sohtis (soh-tiss)


Sopdet (Alien)


None that apply to humans. Accepts all pronouns


About 30 earth years old, (a young adult for their species which lives to around 170 years)


Au Marei 155


Sohtis was a very skilled hunter and warrior on their home planet. Their village was destroyed and their world  is being slowly overtaken by an alien race.  Not having much left that  tied them to their homeworld, Sohtis hopped off planet via a freighter  ship, assimilated into the crew, and eventually learned how to fly it.  Currently working as a low-skill freighter pilot and working their way  up to fly higher profile ships.

The vastness of space terrifies them, but they wont let you know that. Misses home a lot. 

Likes: Still trying to figure that out. solitude, starting to enjoy music and movies, good food, alchohol (actually enjoys the taste and can't get drunk), sight-seeing, history.

Dislikes: Imperialists, capitalism, solitude, seeing others struggle with substance abuse and addiction, certain earth foods (many things humans find tasty are nasty to them). 

Extra:  The Sopdet internal organ equivalent to a liver is exceedingly good at getting rid of toxins. They are quick to heal from poisons and can drink massive quantities of alcohol without becoming inebriated, but may still be suseptible to certain drugs. 


About Species - Sopdet - a bipedal alien race covered in feather-like growths and  down. Reproduction is incredibly complicated please don't ask. Highly  athletic, fast learners, but culturally lack the knowledge for  space-travel as they still remain a hunter-gatherer society. Many have  been displaced from their native homes by encroaching off-world  colonizers and many Sopdet have even fled their planet entirely.

 Sopdet don't laugh. They can experience amusement and joy, but most  jokes are lost on them. During the time Sohtis spent with humans on  their freighter, they learned to make the sound when others do so in  situations where it would be awkward not to, but to some it just sounds  like growling barks.

About Homeworld - Au Marei 155 - the 155th planet in the Au Marei quadrant. Does not  have a name anyone outside the planet would recognize. While home to  many sentient species and races, none of them are beyond stone age  technology. Their planet has been isolated from outside contact until  fairly recently when an empire from a neighboring galaxy started  colonizing and reaping its natural resources to the indigenous people's  detriment.
