Ki Aluna



5 years, 6 months ago


"Come on, let's get you back where you belong,"

Name: Ki ("Kee") Aluna 

Pronouns: She/Her

Age: 16

D.O.B: October 5th


Personality: Ki is a very adventurous and curious person. As a consequence of this, she knows the forest inside and out, with the exception of a few caves and crevices she was forbidden. Although adventure thrills her, she gets extremely nervous and cautious when outside her comfort zone (Her comfort zone being forests). She is desperate to please, taking on challenges beyond her skill level in order to impress. Because of this, when she doesn't know something, she gets frustrated. 

Ki was raised by a collection of Forest spirits (Forest protectors). Usually hostile creatures, they took pity on her and spared her life when she wandered too close to their land as a youngling. All she knows is that they are her family and that she is not one of them. The spirits trained her to treat nature with kindness, and how to use the resources it gives to help herself and others. They also taught her to communicate with the lost souls and fractured beings, and how to guide them. 

After mistakenly waking the grand spirit of the forest (basically the ruler- a godlike being), her soul was ripped from her chest and put into a lantern before she was banished from the forest. Now she wanders the world trying to find a way to get her soul back.

Notes: Lost souls appear as blue sparks/lights when she chooses to see them. Fractured beings are more like ghosts, and can only be seen when touched. You will feel them in your gut before seeing them with your eyes. They appear glitchy, cracked, broken etc., and the world appears monochromatic through them (they are translucent). A huge part of their appearance depends on why they are fractured in the first place. No two beings are exactly the same. 

Theme songs:
  - Shut eye - Stealing Sheep