


5 years, 2 months ago


This is still the character Nycto, but after having been kidnapped and raised for 12 years in HorrorFell.

Having watched Blue be dusted by a seething Error404 and Nightmare, Nycto was tossed away through a portal to an AU he would never escape. Thankfully, 404 was only aware of the one child at the time, not having laid a hand against Terra.

He was trapped in HorrorFell. His own soul had a piece ripped from it so he could no longer form portals and escape. So, the kind and mercy loving child had to adapt for the several long years he was there.

Nyght was never happy with the things he had to do or the monster he became. It broke him, giving into despair as his dark magic fluctuated. He hates hurting others and has attempted to help many humans escape. But it always ends in failure, leading him to slowly lose hope to the point he has learned to play his part.

He’ll attempt to grow close to those who’ll accept him, sometimes keeping humans around to help with his loneliness. But in the end, they all end up dead. He can’t get attached, after all. He’ll only hurt more.

Ny has been tormented by the HF brothers in many ways over the years and fears them both. Axel, however, is the more manipulative of the two and has learned to break his will over his body…