Heron (> Betrayer / Moontree's Mercy)



[See Heron (Sir Heron [AU]) for context...]

In *this* nightmare, a legal loophole exists which allows the Emporer's *wife* to *also* legitimize bastards. Since Xavier is a shit emporer in this AU, sue uses the law to legitimize her brother Why, who is immediately declared emporer on account of his superior divine blood. Heron, despire all he's sworn to Xavier, is too hot for sue and too disapproving of Xave's recent leadership decisions to oppose this in any way. Xave is imprisoned in the tower count of monte cristo style, and Sue's marriage to him is anulled. Happily ever after now, right?

Well, not quite. There's the little sticking point that Heron is still sworn to the order of the holy frig, and the only ways he can be freed from these vows are 1: death, 2: exile, 3: honourable dismissal by the emporer. but only the emporer who knighted him in the first place. i.e. xavie i.e. guy who is no longer emporer becusse you fuckign betrayed him. Whoops! really shot yourselves in the foot with that one, guys. And the laws here are SO watertight that it turns out the only remotely feasible is for him to die and then get better.

Unfortunately, there is no way to do this. He and sue research frantically tho and they find a magic tree which can heal even the recently-dead. heron stabs himself to death in front of it and meets god and then gets alive again and him and sue kissy so so sweetly. he even remembered to die with an empty bladder according to a fortuitous dice roll on the matter. Yayyy great work love wins.

Meanwhile, at some point, Why's gotten a bit too cocky with spending time around Xavier without a bodyguard, and Xavier has tried mauling him to death with a cello string and his teeth and fingernails. Xavier did not succeed, and was put down by a guard in short order, though not without ruining one of his usurper's eyes and ripping off an ear. Eugh.

Anyway sue and heron get married, but they are so much more scarred and jaded than they were in Heron (> Silly Rabbit) , so while this victory is great and they are still mega in love, this victory was a phyrric one. They have to live with a whole extra ten years of yearning and suffering for the empore before they finally get to be with each other, and it comes at the cost of selling out all they believed in. 

The guilt is a lot to bear so they make up for it by forcing themselves to be inhumanly productive. They write like a hundred books together on every subject imaginable and it is insane. Heron, having met God Herself, is even more doggedly religious. And the guilt never ends.

With every year, sue gets more blind. At some point heron has a stroke which leaves him paralysed on one side. The two of them remain too prideful to accept much help even now, and they literally function as the same organism until one of them dies and the other perishes a week later like the mated birds they are.