Leslie Romero



5 years, 3 months ago


(file found in a record office from an Umbrella facility located in [REDACTED]. Processing....)



(Leslie's ID card picture, c. 1998)

Name: Leslie Jesús Romero
Hair Color: Brown
Gender: Male
Blood Type: O+
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 192 lbs.
DOB: 04/02/1962
Race/Nationality: Mexican-Jewish American
Rank: Sergeant
Unit: Alpha Team

"You don't get to my age in this line'a work unless you get real fuckin' good at it."


Leslie was a disqualified U.S. Army recruit kicked from boot camp after a violent dispute with one of his training instructors. He immediately jumped at being hired by the Umbrella Corporation after a private screening with a recruiter who learned of his expungement shortly after. They overlooked Leslie's history of questionable mental health due to his potential, sending him to Rockfort Island to hone his skills and join into their elite paramilitary service.

After completing training, Leslie quickly became one of Umbrella's top U.S.S. agents after only a few operations. A bloodthirsty maniac in battle with a penchant for guerilla tactics and stratagem, this made him their go-to man for clean up and containment throughout the 1980's and 1990's. His abrasive personality, however, would make Leslie hard to control as an asset. He had been stationed several times at the Arklay laboratory starting in 1981 as a security officer when off-duty from U.S.S. operations, later being assigned to Rockfort Island in 1990 first as a drill instructor and then a prison guard before being transferred back to Raccoon City almost immediately due to "creative differences". This would lead to Leslie witnessing several milestones of Umbrella's history, such as being one of James Marcus' assassins and secretly helping John Clemens relocate Lisa Trevor. He was in a few dysfunctional and destructive relationships throughout his career, most infamously with Annette Birkin in the early 80's. Leslie fell in love with his current partner Shirlena McIntyre soon after, whom he would later marry, divorce, and renew his vows with. At some point, he had a brief sadomasochistic fling with Nicolai Ginovaef and even more brief marriage to a strip club dancer during a week long bender in Las Vegas after his divorce.

In 1998, Leslie avoided the demise of the Spencer mansion during a temporary station hold at the NEST lab 2 months earlier in a scramble to replace the head of security. In the following weeks, Leslie was suddenly tasked to remain on standby for Operation: NESTWRECKER after sending reports to HQ of growing chaos and tension within NEST. Despite their horrendous break up years earlier, Leslie still cared enough about Annette to refuse bringing harm to her family. He was intercepted in a desperate attempt to warn both Birkins of Umbrella's plan and taken prisoner out of state, sparing him from the destruction of Raccoon City. He counts up missing both outbreak catastrophes as sheer luck. Seeing it a waste to have a talented agent killed, HQ decided it was better to put him to use as a test subject in a nearby facility. It was destroyed shortly after Leslie's arrival.

Upon escaping, Leslie would be on the run from Umbrella until their downfall. During this time of jumping from one merc job to another as a freelancer, he amassed many favors and connections within the criminal underworld. This included a very short lived employment for Albert Wesker in the early 2000's before Leslie fell of the face of the Earth after flying out to South America sometime in 2006.

When he was rediscovered by the D.S.O. in late 2017, Leslie had long since quit mercenary work and used his massive fortune of blood money to purchase a private property in backwater Neon Valley, CA. He now lives peacefully with his ex-wife Shirlena, fostering some of the the local at-risk youth as a househusband in what he considers a semi-retirement.


Leslie is a larger than life character and not someone a lot of people can bear being around due to his wild, uncouth, and unpredictable behavior. He is actually quite clever despite this and is in his element under high stress situations requiring haphazard solutions. Leslie often takes advantage of people underestimating him by playing up the act of being a crazy fool, keeping his analytical and methodical side in the dark. How much of this is an actually an act is up for debate.

The only thing more outlandish than his personality is his seemingly indestructible titan of a body with years of hard drinking, drug addiction, and physical punishment barely able to slow him down. His unstable temperament and paranoid thinking has lost him lovers and friends for years which led to Leslie going into a downward spiral before hitting his lowest point and deciding to make some changes.

Now at his middle age, Leslie has mellowed out(?) and is more at peace with himself, though he still blows a fuse at the smallest sleights and his penchant for violence is as lively as ever. His moral compass is tied to his foster family, their safety and happiness now his primary concern. A truly grumpy old man to his core with a rage fueled killer lying just beneath the surface.



  • Telenovellas
  • Heavy Metal, Punk, and Alternative music
  • Cheap alcohol
  • Smoking (cigarettes as a young man; cigars in his older age)
  • Professional wrestling
  • BBQ'ing
  • Numeration
  • Ultraviolence
  • Disco


  • Monotony
  • Completely lacking morals
  • Reptiles
  • Ineptitude/Incompetence
  • Possession, demonic or otherwise
  • Power imbalances
  • Authority unwarranted
  • Parasites