Yumin Mercia



5 years, 3 months ago


Name Yumin Mercia
Age 21
Gender Male
Height 6’1” ft
Build Tall and Lanky
Species Spiritus Oris



Designer Notes

  • He has a half-shaved hairstyle. His hair is also naturally wavy.
  • He has a few piercings on his right ear only. Also, both of his ears are pointed.
  • His left leg has floating, dismembered parts to it.
  • He has two hair mouths, both with a frog-like tongue. He also has a frog tongue as well, though he doesn’t like showing it.



Unlike most people, Yumin‘s actually been a Spiritus Oris for as long as he can remember. He got possessed by a dismembered monster spirit when he was two, and then a small frog spirit when he was four (hence the reason for why both of his spirit mouths have a frog-like tongue).

He’s one of the youngest humans to have ever been possessed by a spirit in all of mankind’s history.

Growing up, Yumin had always been possessed and used to live in an area where Spiritus Oris awakenings weren’t all that common, so he used to either be made fun of, gossiped about, and/or feared as a kid.

It’s been over a decade since he’d been possessed, and he’s all too used to his life as a Spiritus Oris by now. After he had moved to where his sister Yazmin had moved for college, which was far away from their original hometown, he now currently lives in an area that’s more accepting of Spiritus Oris awakenings as well.


Personality-wise, Yumin is a chill and somewhat apathetic individual that tends to just go with the flow. He doesn’t really take a lot of things in life seriously and figured that not giving a crap is an easier mindset to carry around in life. He’s aloof, has a strong poker face, and just has nerves of steel overall.

He’s not a man of many words, but he does like to be a little sarcastic every now and then with people that he’s familiar with whenever the time calls for it.

Because of his height and his cool front, a lot of people make the mistake of thinking that he’s mature or that he knows what he’s doing. However, Yumin’s never claimed to be a smart cookie. He’s actually quite dumb and awkward when it comes to knowing how to be a leader or take charge, even if that doesn’t show evidently through his primarily calm demeanor.

Yumin also almost never gets angered. He usually has his composure 99% of the time. If you’ve managed to piss him off somehow and trigger that 1%, then you must have dug yourself up in some deep shit. He can be scary when mad and is excellent at shooting frosty death glares and giving a harsh cold shoulder treatment. He won’t ever really bother with physical fights, he actually doesn’t know how to use his fists, despite his somewhat rugged looks.


As mentioned before, Yumin was once an ordinary human being before having been possessed at a very young age.

The first spirit that possessed him went by the name Omen. Omen was and still is a lazy ass who likes to munch on junk food, such as chips, popcorn, and candy. Sometimes Yumin thinks that he should go on a diet, but whenever he tries to bring the idea up to Omen, it usually gets brushed aside.

His secondary frog spirit Shelly is much nicer and healthier, so Yumin never really had as much of a problem with him, though Shelly’s liking for salads is pretty weird.

Other than that, besides being occasionally looked down upon and teased by peers that didn’t know him very well, Yumin lived out a fairly average life. He didn’t really stand out in any other way besides being possessed.

Fortunately, there are also some areas in his world where Spiritus Oris awakenings are a lot more common, as are Spiritus Oris in general. Though there are some areas within this world that are still very unaccepting of Spiritus Oris individuals, his older sister Yazmin moved to a more accepting area for college, and Yumin eventually joined her after graduating from high school himself.

Now, flash forward a few years later, and Yumin is currently working as a grocery store employee. It’s been a few years since he graduated high school and moved into a new town to start over with his sister.


  • Yumin’s kind of a car nerd. He likes knowing how a car works, learning about the different models that exist, and he aspires to be a car mechanic someday, though he feels like that’s more of a dream rather than an actual possibility.
  • He rides a motorcycle wherever he goes within the town. Outside of the town, he uses a small car that he shares with Yazmin. Yazmin mostly uses that car to drive to work, but every now and then, it can be used for a family vacation too.
  • When operating his motorcycle, he mostly tries to use his whole leg to do most of the gas work, not his dismembered leg since there’s not as much force behind it. Well, he still manages to get by using one anyway, so it’s whatever.
  • His dismembered monster spirit’s name is Omen while his frog spirit’s name is Shelly. Omen is a lazy turd that likes to eat whatever, mostly with a preference for junk food and other types of greasy, savory shit, while Shelly prefers flies (of course), mosquitos, and sometimes salads for some weird reason.



  • cars and motorcycles
  • smoking a joint every now and then (he does weed)
  • card games


  • bright, neon colors
  • overly sweet desserts
  • rude customers at his workplace


Yazmin older sister


Yazmin is Yumin’s older sister. They’re pretty close and share a strong bond. Since they were kids, they’ve always been comfortable talking to each other, despite some of their differences.

Rex close friend


Rex is Yumin’s friend, who he first met when his older sister Yazmin and Rex’s older sister Anita dated back in college. They used to just see each other often since Anita would either always bring Yazmin over, or the other way around at the time. Though Yazmin and Anita aren't dating anymore, Yumin and Rex have actually grown closer and were able to connect as friends, despite the fact that Rex can be a grouchy asshole at times. Now they're both close buddies and work at the same grocery store together.

Zuriel like a brother


Zuriel is the guy that his older sister Yazmin decided to look after one day after finding him homeless and needing helpless near their residence. He looks after Zuriel by cooking for him and just making sure he’s okay.

Anita somewhat close mutual


Anita is his older sister Yazmin’s ex-girlfriend. Yumin used to and sometimes still does see her around a lot. Though he originally thought that he'd never see Anita again after she and Yazmin had cut romantic ties with each other, he was surprised to know that Anita is still keeping in contact with his sister as friends. Well, not that that matters much to Yumin. He doesn't really mind having Anita around, even if she can be a bit of an asshole sometimes. Then again, so can Rex. Must be a family thing. Overall, Anita’s all right.

Trax friend


Trax is an alien that Yumin stumbled upon one day while getting out from work. Yumin was mildly surprised to find out about Trax’s existence at first, but then shrugged it off later on. If spirits could exist, then so could aliens. Eventually, he and Trax were both able to get to know and befriend each other. Nowadays, Trax will swing by his place (or Rex’s) every now and again whenever he’s on a break from his intergalactic travels, which is once or twice every few weeks to a couple of months. Sometimes Yumin and Trax like to either play card games together, watch thriller films, or talk about car stuff since Trax doesn’t really know much about cars while Yumin does and likes explaining that stuff to him.

Dahlia co-worker


Dahlia is Yumin’s co-worker from the grocery store that he works at alongside his friend Rex. She can usually be seen messing up a task, like accidentally knocking over a mountain of canned goods in an aisle or some shit like that. Yumin doesn’t really mind or care much for her clumsiness. He may not know her that well, but he thinks she’s decent and tolerates her. And besides, he never has to clean up after her messes anyway.