


5 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Sale (Virtual Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$8 - $20


he was created from the dust of a burial mound and the hazy air of the Deadland Marshes to be the familiar of a great wizard. As the final touch, two eyes of agate were forged by the wizards hand to give him sight further than any beast or bird. The wizard loved his familiar very much, since he had no family of his own, and so instead of tying their life forces together so that agate would pass away as he did, the wizard made it so that when agate chose to pluck his own eyes out, he would perish. A familiar is just a magical companion, and it’s a very common thing for any sort of magic user mythos .... But when the wizard succumbed to his own mortal form, agate was too scared to end his own life. He wandered the plains and the hills gathering wisdom and age but less maturity. 

Taking USD via Venmo, Points, art, etc.