Vanessa 🌵



5 years, 2 months ago


!   !   !   WORK IN PROGRESS ! ! ! 

Given to me by violentprince from DA art trade

Name: Vanessa Hydra

Gender cis female

Sexuality: Vanessa isn't at all interested in any relationships relashionships, romance, sexual etc.

Age: 22 years old (April 11th, 1997)

Species: Pharoah Hound


Religion/Beliefs: Vanessa does believe in God however, she doesn't think that He loves her and doesn't understand why He allowed such things that happened to her. She struggles but she still prays on her own time.

Illness: Vanessa has Multiple personality disorder and PTSD, in which she only has 1 extra personality; Hydra, thus she gave her self the last name Hydra. This personality is ruthless and merciless and can be triggered by loud noises like gunshots, fireworks, car crashes, jets, jackhammers, etc. This personality is truly full of rage, hate and sadistic.

Backstory:  Vanessa hasn't always been solitary, deranged, and depressed. She used to be a child full of love, joy, patience, and would forgive others 70 x 7. Nonetheless, that person died the day that her mother's boyfriend raped her at the age of 12. Her parents divorced 3 years beforehand, which her dad went to jail for DUI. Vanessa tried to tell her mother, but she didn't need believe her because she saw her boyfriend as kind and perfect. In this, she suffered greatly from this event in her life and ran away at 17 when she couldn't bare to live in the same house of the man who raped her. She never forgave her mom for never believing her and choosing her pedophillic boyfriend over her own birth daughter. 

It was at around this time she discovered her personality birthed by the incident and trauma, Hydra. A completely new personality that harbors all her rage and insanity that is never released.

She's still trying!

Likes: knives, alleyways, graffiti, fashion, bright colors, bongs, spiders, lava lamps, scented candles, climbing, snakes

Dislikes: swimming, mornings, sex, coffee, politics, her rage, memories, silence