


5 years, 3 months ago



Basic Info
NameElliot Dahlia 
Age 20
BirthdayDecember 3
Height 5ft / 152cm
Gender Male (He/Him)
Origin Petalburg City
MovesBlizzard / Tail Slap / Recover / Assist
OrientationDemisexual / Demiromantic
Occupation Tiny Tea Shop
Status Single
  • Cakes / Frosting / Icing
  • Fairy Kei / Cutesy Clothing
  • Affection
  • Playing dress up / Trying on outfits
  • Loud Noises / Thunderstorms
  • Being the center of Attention
  • Getting Hurt
  • Black Licorice
  • He is a tea connoisseur and can recognize each tea flavor. He drinks around three cups of tea a day. He loves floral teas; they just have lovely aroma to them that he can't get enough of.

  • He's very fond of affection and will use it openly to express his love for another. Whether it be hugs, nuzzles, or patting someone's head. He adores receiving affection as well. Being carried in particular is his favorite, especially piggyback rides!

  • He keeps a steady routine. He usually can't function without one.

  • He tends to get hurt a lot. Mostly by burning his skin from brewing tea or bumping into objects. He's always hurrying himself to get things done that he often becomes too careless during duties.

    He will not fight or battle other people. It's really not his thing. He prefers to work things out peacefully rather than with violence.

    He's not too fond of being rushed or forced to do stuff. It makes him very anxious and uncomfortable.

    He's a bit of a goody two-shoes; he was the teacher's pet back in grade school.

    He's on the sensitive side. If anyone hurts his feelings, he will not - under any circumstance - talk to them again.

    He's a very weak Pokémon and struggles to keep up with other people. His physical strength is poor.

    Despite everything, Elliot still keeps in contact with his father. Their conversations are very short and dry, phone calls usually last around five minutes.

    He's super fond of stickers! He'll buy them but not ever use them.

    He's big on fanfiction, mostly the M-rated stuff. Sexual things in general don't bother him and he's pretty mature on the subject. He will crack sex jokes from time to time though. He is, however, not a perverted person in the slightest.

    Bells, chimes, and anything that makes a 'ding' noise is ultimately loved by him. He's always wanted to start a bell collection due to his love for them.

    He has a difficult time distinguishing between his romantic and platonic feelings. He has a bad habit of falling in love with friends and then swiftly shaking it off when he discovers it's not romantic. He refers to this as "The curse of being Demi."

    He carries pepper spray in the shape of a kawaii pink kitty cat.

    He re-posts a lot of those cute, positivity quotes with Sanrio characters on them.


Shy . Friendly . Bubbly . Calm . Quiet . Affectionate . A Pushover . Mediator . Problem Solver . Quick Witted
"You are lovely and deserve happiness."

Elliot is described as social and interactive by most, but not as extroverted or skittish as a typical Skitty should be. He's terribly shy and quiet among strangers, but when he's with his friends he can be quite lively and chatty. When surrounded by people with whom he is at ease, in regards of his placid demeanor, he can showcase his playful and exuberant side. When he isn't working shifts at the Tiny Tea Shop, he likes to spend his time window shopping, hanging out with friends, and wasting his money of fairy kei accessories. All nights usually end in routine with him having a nice warm cup of tea while watching re-runs of Family Fortunes.

Being bubbly, he's a high-energy spirit who sees no reason to hide who he is or to dim his light to get others' approval. He believes it is most important to be true and genuine. He tries to be as positive as he can and adores sharing love and support to those around him. Elliot is a true sweetie, within and out.

He does, however, get his feelings hurt incredibly fast and will absolutely hold grudges for the life of him. He isn't quick to forgive when hurt but also doesn't like confronting about the issue, thus resulting in passive-aggressive behavior. Elliot also struggles to stand up for himself and allows abuse done to him slide; he is a person who is easy to overcome or influence.






Lex | (Childhood Friend)
"Ur mum gay."

Elliot is incredibly close to Lex, to the point where he considers him a brother. They've been friends since childhood, and their friendship has yet to falter. Elliot is always there for Lex regardless of the situation, and is willing to console him anytime he needs it. Elliot adores Lex's stories and loves listening to him read aloud. Precious and Chess are shared close friends of theirs. He feels comfortable enough to be cheeky around Lex; much like a sibling would. 


Precious | (Childhood Friend)
"Awh,, gee. Don't be so modest, Precious."

They get along swimmingly and have a solid bond. They rarely keep secrets from one other and are fiercely loyal. They met in grade school and maintained their connection throughout college. They are shopping buddies and adore spending their money at the mall. They also love getting massages done together, going to the spa, and playing around with makeup. On weekends when they're both free, they go for walks to burn calories or perform brief workouts at the gym. Elliot, however, has become increasingly hesitant to do so anymore because he is afraid of triggering Precious' eating disorder. 


Pancake | (Childhood Friend / Coworker)
"You're such a cute lil dust bunny."



Percy | (Friend / Former Crush)
"Don't worry about paying, the tea is on the house!" 

Elliot considers Percy as a dear friend of his! Despite his initial affections for him, Elliot has long distanced himself from romantic attraction, realizing that he only possesses platonic love for Percy. However, it did take a verbal beating from Pancake to realize it. Knowing how anxious and shy Percy is, he does his hardest to make him feel at ease in The Tiny Shop. Even offering sweet treats for free! He messages him throughout the week to see how he's doing and to see if he'd like to hang out. Elliot never shy's away from offering to do Percy's makeup or nails. He loves playing dress up and giving makeovers to Percy. 


Angel | (Friend)
"That cute girl was totally checking you out~"

Another close friend of his! Elliot has grown rather fond of the dainty young lady, whom he was introduced to by Percy. Elliot isn't hesitant to point out any cute girl within Angel's vison, and even makes attempts at playing wingman to help her out. Though he can get a little cheeky and teases her to bits about it. (wip)


Chess | (Friend)
"The clothes you make are absolutely wonderful!"

Elliot and Chess initially met when they ran into one other at the supermarket. They both apologized and went their separate ways, only to reunite when Elliot's clothing needed to be fitted. They finally became friends after bonding over shared interests. Chess is one of Elliot's favorite people to invite around for tea and cookies. Chess is a fantastic guy in his opinion!


Oliver | (Older Brother)
"Thank you for everything."

Elliot holds his brother in high regard and values the help he provides. He currently shares a flat with Oliver. He treats Elliot more like a father figure than a brother.


Gelato | (Friend)
"D-Did you really just ask what fun is? Gelatooooooooo!!"
