



In case I keep:

The older of the two glass blowing sisters, she is the more serious, focused, and cool one of the two. More of a quiet and focused girl who doesn't mind visitors watching her work but won't really chat them up or try to entertain them. Will continue to quietly work and often just ignores them unless she absolutely has to engage. Likely to wait until the shop is closed to work on more detailed pieces, new skills, or complicated creations. Can be soft and gentle, but is more often cool, collected, and tough. Doesn't put up with any rudeness from anyone. Not afraid to tell off anyone when necessary and is always sticking up for her sister who is far more soft-hearted. A relaxed girl who'd prefer to sit in the sun and just sunbath while looking good and unreachable. When it comes to partners she prefers to play hard to get and quite enjoys teasing or being stubborn. Other than the games she plays with potential partners she is mature and responsible, always taking care of her sister and keeping things in order around the shop. Safety is always her number one priority when working with molten glass.

A very skilled glass blower, she loves working with glass. It is also something that brings her closer to her sister, something the two work on together and bond over. Loves working with cool colors and creating repeating patterns on her creations. Also enjoys wearing shawls, collecting pretty jewelry, and carefully decorating her home in a modern and stylish way. Confident and always helping her sister build confidence as well. The two sisters are the best of friends and nearly inseperable. Wanna get near Zoe? Gotta get past Galila.

Obtained from Here (Pine).