Gremithian Legionnaire



5 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info

Height Span

8-19 FT

Common Ancestry




Average Age

1-2 Million Yrs

Vaction (Infantry Type/Regiment)



Extraordinarily Aggressive and Vicious




Like Many of their kin they are prodominantly of the Northern ancestry of their species, meaning they are highly agressive and naturally skillful in combat. Due to this, they were and are still known to fill the main bulk of the military. Legionnaires gained their name from the ancient government during the second unifaction period better known as "The Gremithian Legion" in which under the leadership of Zire Renthire pushed back Korjin's Invaders roughly 65 Trillion years ago. At the time the GL(Gremithian Legion for short)'s members consisted of men and women from all four ancestrial races, this would change over the course of time as Northern Gremithian men began to dominate over the armed forces of The Gremithian Empire during the third unifaction period as well as during The Great Divide roughly 300 years ago. Now legionnaire males fight along side females more often with the need of more density in numbers as well as the need to produce more offspring to even breed for pleasure when touring. These soldiers are no mere common infantry though, as estimated on average a single Gremithian Legionnaire is able to take on millions at a time before being overrun. As such Legionnaires both act as Mercinaries and as normal infantry both in and outside of the Conglomerate military, fighting on foreign soil for a foreign power is common, as times of peace can drive Northern Gremithians especially within Legionnaire ranks to lust for the bloodshed of their fellow kinsmen, and so they are deployed to fight for who knows what against who knows who. Their Motto is as follows "Live to die, but die in fire."