


8 years, 2 months ago

Basic Info


Demon (or, rather, a small piece of physically incarnate soul in the form of a big glass humanoid)


8ft and some change. Just under 8ft after the fire that burned down the Old Capitol


Agni is very curious! It tends to view things in terms of what they're 'for' - it doesn't like anything that it can't figure out the purpose of, and when it doesn't like something, Agni tends to sulk.


A sliver of a soul made physically incarnate by the Glassmaker. Agni considers itself foremost a servant of its creator, and tries to act accordingly. Unusual among other demons of its make, Agni was blessed with an independent mind of its own completely by accident. It is not a full-fledged 'Tool,' as the Glassmaker calls his most human-like creations... Agni is something unique. Where other demons act entirely on the instructions imprinted in them upon creation, with little deviation, Agni interprets.

This isn't to say that other demons are incapable of learning, of crafting plans, but their minds are open books to Eitri as he wills it, and their hands, his, as he wills it. They lack realized selves. They cannot keep secrets. But Agni can.

Not that it knows much of anything about all that. Its relationship to the Glassmaker is forged in mutual ignorance: Agni doesn't know that anything is supposed to be any other way than it is; and the Glassmaker is unaware that there's anything in this particular demon, among his thousands, to miss. Herein the irony - the Glassmaker finally created a loyal servant with an independent mind, and he doesn't even know it.

(this is a good time for us all to point at Eitri and laugh. HA HA.)

Most demons are created with a particular prey in mind - a soul to seek. Agni, too, was created for this - but not to seek the soul of just another petty human. Agni was made to continue Eitri's centuries-long quest to seize the soul of the Nameless King. It shares a link with the Tool, Pontil - the two were cast from the same soul, on the same hour - and is meant to serve as cover for her, making her appear to be a regular human, and to lead her to seek the soul herself, to make it think it was her own idea. Pontil was created with no knowledge of her purpose or origins, and of course, no memories - it was a new trick, see? To tempt, but not order.

Things immediately went awry when one of the other Tools, Crucible, found her and took her in, and for years blocked all attempts Agni made at making contact. The Glassmaker threw up his hands, stopped paying Pontil and Agni much mind, and set to making a new Tool, figuring the duo for a loss.

You'd think an immortal, self-styled god would have more patience, wouldn't you?

Because, in the end, Zoe DID seek the soul - and was the first Tool to actually cross into the sealed palace and take it. Taking the soul also freed the Nameless King - and let me tell you, he wasn't so happy with the subjects that had reviled and imprisoned him. The King burned the Old Capitol to cinders, and though Agni was maimed in the blaze, it escaped.