Doctor Todd Adley



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Demon. But, shh, don't tell anyone...! He's only a very minor demon, anyway.


A knowledgeable and charismatic researcher into the subjects of souls, and the possibility of artificial replication of souls. A true luminary!

Before his recent stint as an accomplished researcher and academic in the land of Limn, Adley's last known 'gig' outside of complete obscurity was as a demonic advisor to an alchemist who lived on a beautiful, though rocky coast - by day, the harpy Adal would roost on the windowsill of the alchemist's workshop, and by night, a grand, beastly owl would terrorize the lands close by.

So, what's with all the secrecy? Well! He pissed off someone very very scary a long time ago when he was, effectively, one of the first people to not let that person just do whatever they wanted, and he did so in a very spectacular way. He wants to artificially create souls so that he never has to potentially be under that person's power ever ever ever ever ever ever ever again.