Pavel Sokolov



5 years, 6 months ago


Name: Pavel Sokolov
Nickname(s): Trapdoor
Age: 24
Species: Human
Pronouns: He/him
Sex/Gender: Male
Occupation: Garbage Truck Worker and Spider-person ('Trapdoor')
Height: 175cm / 5'9"
Sexuality: Hetroflexible

Pavel Sokolov lived in a smaller city in russia known for moving around drugs and other illegal items, namely for small gangs. Now, Pavel could easily be described as a 'Gopnik', drinking and smoking with his friends during his free time outside of working as a garbage truck worker.

This was until one day Pavel was bitten by a radioactive Trapdoor Spider during a camping trip with his friends. Now at first he didn't care and carried on as normal, but when he felt and saw the changes more and more, he invested some to work out what he was bitten by, then learnt of his powers. Bored and wanting to show off, he went to openly training with these new abilities to try and do cool stuff. Even making his first spider suit was made from Adidas tracksuits he found in the trash. 

However, this 'Hobby' changed drastically when he finds one of his friends wreaked by the drugs he never focused on, enraged, he went into great lengths to hit back at the dealers of his town, actually burning tonnes of these drugs until a powerful Mafia placed a hit on his head, Pavel's friends knew the danger and told Pavel, who promptly left the country to live in the US, more then unfamiliar territory for him as he tried to settle in with a similar style of life, eventually returning to his drug fighting days in the rural areas around NYC to attack trucks once again, recreating his suit with plenty of new additions, some of which he's 'liberated' from Illegal shipments.

Pavel is crafty and very provocative, but also rather simplistic. If something makes him feel better, he'll stick with it, if not, he'll avoid it or get rid of it in some way. He will often share just about anything with people he trusts.




Pavel's list of powers
-Spider Powers: Like most spider-people, Pavel can climb most surfaces, physically stronger, quicker reaction times, having higher senses and the spider sense.
 -But, this isn't to say they're the same, Pavel can easily detect even the slightest seismic activities from underground.
 -His web-slinging is also to be called into question, as despite Pavel having stronger webs with a higher capacity and life-span, they also have extremely low range and solidify very quickly, making it not sticky very quickly

-Pavel is certainly not shy about his usage of bad language, especially with the word 'Blyat'.
-He has no sense of the word 'Overkill', such as using his shovel as a weapon or using actual military-grade explosives for his crime fighting.
-Pavel is pretty skilled at doing the Cossack dances.