The anxiety demon [story]



5 years, 3 months ago


It's crimson eyes watched me, it felt like it judged me for everything I did wrong in life. They never blinked, I wanted him to stop but he didn't. Before I knew it he vanished but why? Why go after me then flee? I asked so many questions but only knew so little, my mind often drifted. 

I still wonder what I saw till this day, but I have no answers. It was like anxiety and fear washed over me but left as soon as it happened. What were these animals no these monsters that came to haunt me? Again no answers, so I took it to the professionals, these so called "demon hunters" that recently resided in our town, I told them of my experience and they look astonished. They said they only knew of two (2) demons living there at the moment. I didn't even know we had one.. 

  • Apparently their names where "fear and illusion." fitting names for demons I supposed. They told me they had powers to make anyone feel a certain way. Fear scared anyone who glimpsed at it. And illusion made people see things that weren't really there. Weird, kinda like the experience I had with that black and red wolf. Except I felt anxiety like it was judging me or something. This was the first time I had seen or heard anything like this. I pondered it for a moment but thought nothing of it for a while, until I kept seeing IT. The black and red wolf with eyes all over it kept appearing in my dreams and thoughts, but why? I'd only seen it once surely that was enough to soon forget about it. I returned to those so called demon hunters. They told me once I had seen it it marked that I would always vision it. I thought it was weird but heard to what they said. Apparently it was also a terrible omen of things to come. I laughed at this idea, a black wolf in my dreams telling me something will happen? Very unlikely. 

But, I tried to think nothing of it. And as soon as I did that the dreams I've been having turned quickly into nightmares. I kept seeing the wolf but it's face

  • Kept getting scarier each passing time. I started to have horrible anxiety, and these weird illusions. I couldnt keep in one place at a time it drove me crazy. I should have listen to their warnings but it was too late. With each passing day it got worse and worse, finally it got to the point were everyone thought I was insane. And that I couldn't sleep out of fear for seeing the black demon. It kept asking me if I was the real monster and how it didn't do anything to me. It got so bad, the only thing I seen was the blood red eyes and the giant white fangs looming over me. I kept having insomnia never being able to sleep I desperately wanted the keep this demon away.Â