Ruan Khinat



5 years, 3 months ago


Name Ruan Khinat
Age 72 (Human Age: 24)
Gender Bigender (He/Him/His | They/Them/Theirs)
Sexuality Demisexual - Panromantic
Height 6'3"
Weight 136 lb.
Race Elf - Nightborn Changeling
Class Arcanist
Alignment True Neutral




  • Please respect my character's skin color!
  • This character is 18+ | NSFW Allowed. Please ask before drawing!
  • Free feel to draw your character interacting with mine.
  • Please do not draw gore or body horror of this character.
  • Feel free to change their clothing, though try to keep the general color scheme in mind!

Ruan Khinat


Ruan had always stood out since his birth. Compared to his parents, and most people who lived in the village of Dentu, he had paler skin and lighter hair, making him look sickly as a child to most. Other than the small differences about him, his right eye had crimson red in comparision to his left, a dark brown. Growing up Ruan had been taught to cover up his eye, to protect himself from onlookers. Both his parents were very protective of him, so Ruan grew up being very sheltered for a long time.

Thing would begin to change has Ruan hit puberty, along with the expected changes to his body, Ruan watch as his nails began turning black and thick, forming into claw-like nails, and his skin began to toughen. However, the strangest part had to be he began to hear voices in his head, whispering to him run away from his home. Along with the voices, his nights became reckless, unable to sleep due to horrifying nightmares. These dreams often involve near-death experiences that would cause him to scream and profusely sweat, until he awoke from his nightmare of one of his parents came and shook him awake.

Despite how horrifying these dreams were, the waking day would also feel like he was waking in a dream. He would awake with new knowledge, arcane knowledge. The whispers also grew louder, taunting him and poke out his every mistake. Ruan would be end up being pulled out of school and being homeschooled instead, to avoid harassment and so his parents could monitor him. After awhile, the whispers stopped, and the nightmares became less clear, but Ruan still felt the urges to leave and travel.



  • Clothing: Light, Loose Fitting, Non-reveiling.
  • Animal: Cats.
  • Season: Fall.
  • Color: Maroon
  • Flower: Begonia
  • Weather: Cloudy
  • Element: Fire
  • Texture: Silky


  • Clothing: Tight fitting, Reveiling.
  • Animal: Spiders, Large Bugs, etc.
  • Season: Summer
  • Color: Bright Colors
  • People: Loud and Rude Personalities.
  • Weather: Sunny, Snowy.
  • Temperature: Cold
  • Texture: Bumpy




Alnessa Birth Mother

Ruan can not stand his mother at all, he finds it disgraceful that he is hag-born and would rather accept his elven heritage only. Alnessa currently does not appear to have any interest in Ruan, which Ruan is absolutely fine with.

Sayato Hai Birth Father


Ruan's relationship with Sayato is strange, Ruan had rushed so quickly to free his father's soul, that he never thought about how his relationship would be with his father, he really wants to be close with his dad, but also wants to respect his personal boundaries.

Ando Khinat-Krisdi Adoptive Mother


Ruan's has a very close and trusting relationship with his adoptive mother, to the point one might consider Ruan a bit of a mama's boy. His mother is very protective over him, because he is her only child and growing up Ruan was fairly weak and picked on.

Hayo Khinat Adoptive Father


Hayo and Ruan's relationship is a bit strained. Ruan loves his adoptive father, but he feels that he is merely a disappointed to his dad. For a long time, Ruan would just do as his father said to get his approval.

Mitzi Pyroz Girlfriend


After Ruan left his home in Talalik and joined the guild, he would end up meeting a half-drow named Mitzi, who he ended up quickly developing a major infatuation. The two would end up becoming close friends over a few months and ending up establishing their relationship on the Courting Day.

Seyyid Sabah Best Friend

Ruan and Seyyid have not been friends for very long, only a few months ago did the two meet. At first, Ruan found Seyyid to be intolerable and to up front. However, Seyyid managed to get through the wall Ruan built between him and people. Now, Ruan considers Seyyid to be one of the few people he can be completely comfortable around.

Al'Kel Guardian

Ruan's hertiage tied him in closely with a Great Wyrm nightmare dragon, who calls himself Al'Kel. Silently Al'Kel had watched over Ruan for years, until Ruan traveled away from his home to gain a greater understanding of himself. Their relationship was rocky from the start, but slowly as Al'Kel began to let on more information about Ruan's birth and heritage, Ruan began to form a bond with the grumpy old dragon, leading to him making a blood deal with Al'Kel.