




Heart made of glass, Skin made of Stone.

  •  Name   Ypierre Antivaal Guinieth Baccurin Sylivaal Heinpheth Kiuife Mojuite Alicura 
  •  Age   28 
  •  Height   7'2" 
  •  Occupation   Farm Hand, Handyman 
  •  Build   Very Muscular 
  •  Personality 

    Ypierre comes off as the broody silent type to most who meet gin. Gi's reserved, and has the default look of 'I'm-so-done-with-this', leading most to assume that gi is as snarky as they come. And, well, it's not completely untrue. Ypierre doesn't put up with anyone's shit, and is blunt enough to say so. A lot of spirits are driven away by this, but some may find ges straightforwardness a welcome change of pace. There's no worry of gin talking about you behind your back- no, if there's a problem Ypierre will approach you about it directly. Surely, a welcome reprieve from the more gossipy spirits.Funnily enough, under that rough exterior, Ypierre is quite the sweetheart. In fact, it's not even hidden very far down. Gi has a semi-permanent scowl of disapproval, but it isn't hard to turn that into a smile. Gi's a family person, and as the older brother to 18 siblings, that's easy to see. Gi doesn't speak often, which doesn't help ges image. But, when gi does find the urge to speak, most are surprised to find how kind gi is. Especially to ges younger siblings, who all adore gin.
  •  Appearance 

    Clocking in at a tall 7 feet, and bolstering a wingspan to match, Ypierre is by no means small. Gi has been doing manual labor nearly since gi was a child, and thus is very muscular. Gi's body is covered in feathers, dappling between a warm brown and a bright yellow with patterning similar to a yellow-breasted chat. Gi has dark brown, nearly untamable hair, that needs to be cut often due to how fast it grows. More often that not, Ypierre ends up cutting off a ponytail at a time using ges scythes. Ges wings are large and round in shape, with powerful strokes that make flying easy.
  •  Likes   Sunshine || Family || Flying 
  •  Dislikes   Thunderstorms || Strife || Gossip 
  •  Backstory 

    Ever since Ypierre can remember, gi has been the outgoing, responsible one of the litter. Gi's always looked out for ges siblings, and eagerly led them in adventures. As they grew older, it became clear that the majority of the responsibility fell to Ypierre when it came to play time, and gi took up that task without a second thought. Over time, this developed into the Take-No-Shit attitude gi is most known for.
    Life wasn't always adventures and making sure ges siblings stayed out of trouble, however. Ypierre went to school with ges tribe, learned to fly, and worked ges chores just like everyone else. School truthfully wasn't much to write home about- gi wasn't an idiot, but by no means a genius. Gi had a wonderful reading comprehension, however, and to this day enjoys chewing through a good book on a bad day. Which is good, considering ges mate is such a scholar.
    Like most, Ypierre met ges scentmate late in life. It had been a standard day, nothing too exciting going on. Gi was just flying down to go fishing- ges siblings had a soft spot for the delicacy so gi often went down to surface for it. On that particular day, Scholars were trekking the mountain. Ypierre was always curious to hear what spirits had to say, and landed to speak with them while they travelled. No harm- they were scholars after all. Gi'd communicated with similar spirits in the past.
    However, not long after gi landed, something drew gin to one of the shorter spirits. Maybe it was the curly hair, or the splash of bright freckles. Something about the spirit who seemed to be eyeing gin so curiously and inquisitively had gin approaching them. This tiny, sweet, excited little spirit immediately started pelting Ypierre with questions, which took the Collector by surprise. After a minute of the light speed chatter, gi reached out to gently shush the perky spirit and remind them that gi wasn't a native speaker.
    The second gi touched the short spirit, the entire world shifted and recentered itself. Ypierre didn't know their name, their language, or their gender even. But gi knew the instant that gi touched them, gi would go to the ends of the world to make them smile. Large arms wrapped around them without question, the Collector lifting the small spirit with a joyous laugh as gi held them up almost triumphantly and proclaimed for all to hear; "J'it Vuinne nu skurnmacke!" I've found my scentmate. They shared laughter, smiling at eachother despite not even knowing the others name.
    After meeting Aetius, things were different. Ypierre's responsibilites shifted. Gi found gesself spending more time surface-side, learning more of Aetius' strange language, checking in with ges scentmate often. Gi still went to work of course, but soon found that spirits on the surface could use ges handy skills as well. Over time, gi grew more accustomed to walking on solid ground, working during the days for farmers. And at sun down, gi would seek out Aetius to read together before bed. Life was peaceful- life was perfect.
  •  Aetius   Scentmate 

    The two met later in life that some would like, but Ypierre doesn't mind. Any earlier and Aetius would've been too young, Ypierre would've been too busy, and the two wouldn't be nearly as close as they are. Ypierre loves Aetius full heartedly, and would be happy to just lay on Aetius' bed and listen to jo read.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Duis varius mauris vitae nibh auctor iaculis. Donec cursus, odio eu vulputate sodales, ex tortor rhoncus est, vel pretium arcu nulla vel magna. Cras egestas sodales mauris, sit amet fringilla erat blandit quis.
  •  Name   Relationship 

    Aliquam sit amet tortor a nulla luctus lobortis. Praesent mollis in velit ut lacinia. In consequat leo elementum tortor gravida cursus. Aliquam semper facilisis volutpat. Praesent maximus metus ut lorem fermentum pharetra. Donec varius semper sapien, vel ornare dolor lobortis non.
  •  Ypierre's dream pet? 

    Gi would appreciate any pet that gi could have with gin on the job. A good strong companion to help pull the til, or a herding animal of some type to help herd livestock. Cute and cuddly is nice and all, but he already has Aetius for that. Gi needs a working animal.
  •  Perfect Date? 

    Gi isn't much for anything fancy. Though they spend a lot of time in quiet together, Ypierre wouldn't mind something along the adventerous streak either. Going camping by a waterfall for a weekend would be wonderful. Just the two of them and nature, sleeping under the stars, and talking together.
  •  Hobbies? 

    Ypierre likes to sharpen and care for weapons. Something about massaging oil into a freshly cleaned blade is very soothing, and gi finds comfort in that. Gi also enjoys reading, and anything that gets gin up in the air.
  •  Cook, or let someone else? 

    Listen, when you're looking after a ton of younger siblings and doing a bunch of chores and going to school? You don't have the time or energy to cook. There's nothing Ypierre loves and appreciates more than coming home to food already prepared for gin. It makes gin feel loved and appreciated, and gi is always sure to thank the chef.
  •  Trivia 
    • ● Ypierre has 18 younger siblings, and likely more on the way. Gi also has 7 parents. It's a very large family.
    • ● The youngest of the siblings call gin "Yip" or "Yippie/Yippee"
    • ● Gi collects scythes, reapers, and the like. Curved blades, pretty much. Gi shines them incessantly.
    • ● Ypierre is eldest by ten full minutes, and holds it over ges twin.
    • ● Ges body temp runs cool, which helps prevent overheating.
    • ● When annoyed or stressed, Ypierre will tap one of ges talons on the ground.

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