


5 years, 3 months ago


✦ Details
Name Bjorn
Gender Male
Age 38
World Aver Eesis
Species Human
Home South of Geils
Occupation Animal hoarder
Sexuality Hetero
✦ Appearance
Height 5' 11"
Body Type Toned. Muscular with little fat
Hair Color Black/gray
Eye Color Blue
Skin Color Mid-toned
Clothing Style Casual. Worn. Jacket decorated with feathers and beads. Furs in winter
Scars, Injuries Heavily scarred. See ref for details
Other Sharp canines
✦ Likes
✦ Dislikes
Other men lol
✦ Hobbies
Taking in animals
✦ Traits
✦ Misc
Very slow to trust
Extreme bias against magic users. Especially shapeshifters
✦ Phobias
Getting caught
✦ Story

4-6 years old- Grew up in lovely little crime ring run by his and his brothers’ dad. Bjorn’s father was obsessed with having a heir, and when the boy’s mom realized her kid wouldn’t make the cut she had him smuggled out. He would have been culled with the rest of the boys. He was about 4 at the time.

Trafficking/slavery is semi-legal in the southwest of Eesis so no one really cared about a little kid being passed around. Several years in he is manipulated into killing a man that owned him. He does NOT get away with it

12 years old- Bought and sold by many people. He became a very angry and violent little thing and gained a reputation for murdering folks. Eventually Cain takes him. Cain isn’t the best guy in the world but he shows the kid some much needed kindness. They have a very turbulent relationship but do end up caring deeply for each other. Cain teaches Bjorn a lot of life skills he never got while growing up

18 years old- After Cain’s abrupt death (Bjorn was 15), the kid ends up right back in the mix. He has very little self preservation instinct and purely exists out of spite to make everyone’s life worse. By now he’s fairly well known. It’s almost a game to see how long it takes for him to kill another buyer. Gross

38 years old- Spends the next 16ish odd years living alone (with his many animals) in the middle of nowhere. He’s very abrasive and doesn’t trust anyone for a Very long time, but eventually he does start getting more comfortable going to the nearest towns. He figures out people aren’t really still looking for him. He eventually runs into Wren

✦ Trivia
● He is illiterate
● Has the joint pain of an 85 year old woman
✦ Relationships
Jasper Half-brother

profile html by Hukiolukio