Winchester [Gangsta.]



5 years, 3 months ago


"We've all killed parts of ourselves to survive."



Alias: Winchester

Role: Combat Medic
Hometown: Ergastulum
Species: Hunter
Hair: Black
Eye: Black
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


  • Her fellow Destroyers
  • Studying medicine
  • The cold
  • Daniel Monroe


  • Twilights
  • Germs
  • The heat
  • Uranos Corsica



Shiloh has been noted to look quite mature for her age, which is partly intentional as she likes being thought of as older. She has very long, thick black hair that goes all the way down to her hips, which keeps secured in a broad braid with her bangs pinned to the side, so it doesn't get in the way of her work. Her eyes are also a matching dark colour. She was incredibly pale as a child, but her skin has gained some colour since. She's the spitting image of her younger brother Vincent [Colt], except for her complexion, which is a shade darker than his thanks to days spent under the Ergastulum sun as a teen.

By virtue of being a Superhuman Normal, her body is strong and fast, and capable of withstanding great physical strain without discomfort. Unique to her, she can heal at an accelerated rate. In the facility where the Second Destroyers were raised, this ability was enhanced greatly via experiments, so Shiloh doesn't have many lingering scars despite the number of fights she's been in.


She has a small tattoo in on her collarbone. She was dared to get it by Striker when drunk. She has both her ears pierced and wears a large silver hoop in each.

Her regular outfit consists of a mauve formal shirt tucked into high-waisted black shorts. Over this, she wears the Destroyers coat with the silver rings on the collar. As a combat medic who often has to treat wounds on the field, she wears mauve fingerless gloves that protect her hands, with a steel-plating on the back that's strong enough to deflect steel. Her boots are thigh-length with steel-capped toes and a compartment in the back of her heel that holds a retractable dagger. She keeps her separated Naginata strapped to her sides.

When not on the job, she wears a plain black full-sleeve t-shirt with a v-neck and a pair of loose shorts, thigh-high socks and boots.




Shiloh is Destroyer Legacy. Her father was a founding member of the Program. After a mission that nearly wipes out the First Destroyers, there is a need to fill the empty positions. Shiloh's father, who had impregnated another Celebrer-user who didn't suffer its ill-effects, offers his daughter to the Program, and renounces all claim to her, so she could be raised as part of the Second Destroyer.

In the Program, she's given the alias 'Winchester', and sheds her birth name. Despite the fact that Shiloh is noted to be in the upper echelon of Superhuman Normals, the scientists that ran the program couldn't help but treat her as weaker because of her delicate, doll-like features. It's when Shiloh realizes this that she actively tries her hardest to make herself look older and more mature, so she can be taken seriously.

Her healing abilities are noted early on, and in addition to the combat training and classroom lessons (basic subjects + anti-Twilight propoganda), she's mentored by the doctors at the facility until she's proficient at emergency first-aid.

Shiloh grows up alongside Marie [Maverick], who's the only other child already present. Even though the girl is a few years older, Shiloh sticks to her like glue, coming to see her almost like an older sister. In time, more children are selected for the Program, including Striker and Beretta and Spas. Minimi elects to join them when Shiloh is 12, and with the team now complete, for the first time in her life, Shiloh feels like she's found family.


Despite her upbringing, Shiloh is a cheerful, charismatic person with an inborn sense of idealism and morality. As a medic, she's come to see helping people as her purpose in life, but her real passion is to one day rid the world of all illness so people need not be rescued at all.

Even though she's been taught that Twilights are inhuman monsters, she doesn't quite see it that way. She simply thinks of them as a plague, an incurable disease that affects people, twisting them into something they can't come back from. So, in a way, she almost pities them (although she will never admit this to the others) and views her job as a form of mercy-killing, as her putting the Twilights 'out of their misery'.

Having been raised in a strict Program, Shiloh doesn't have much interaction with children her age, other than her fellow Destroyers. Since they are all the family she's ever known, she's fiercely dedicated to them, and would happily die fighting side-by-side with them. She's also very fond of Daniel Monroe, who would visit the Destroyers from time to time, calling him 'Uncle Danny' and treasuring any time she gets to spend with him.

Daniel Monroe and Minimi are the only ones who know her birth name, Shiloh Frost, a sign that she trusts and loves them above everyone else.

Though generally easy-going, Shiloh can have very strong opinions about certain things and will fight tirelessly for an idea she truly believes in.



Shiloh was born to two Celebrer-users who didn't suffer the ill-effects of the drug, and is therefore among the stronger Superhuman Normals. She possesses enhanced physical capabilities, and can easily fight on equal footing with high-ranking Twilights, even surpassing them sometimes.

She's noted to be fastest among the Second Destroyers, being able to move in the blink of an eye. Although not quite as agile as Minimi, she's also pretty nimble.

Like the other Destroyers, she's capable of fighting for hours without breaking a sweat. If she was a Twilight, her rank would be S/5.



Shiloh uses a pair of dual-bladed Naginata that was custom-made for her.

The Naginata can be used separately in both hands, or screwed together to make one long polearm weapon. Despite its size when joined, its grip and balance is perfectly suited to her, and as a result, she can wield it with frightening speed and flexibility. Shiloh treasures the Naginata


Shiloh is the team's field medic. From a young age, she was trained by the Program's doctors, and constantly told that the team's survival depended on its medic. Shiloh took this to heart, and trained hard until she was able to administer first-aid incredibly quickly.

She can tie tourniquets in a matter of seconds, and stitch up most wounds in under two minutes.

When the Destroyers are deployed on a mission, Shiloh's first priority is to set up a small medical station which her teammates can return to, should they need help.

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