Akrasia Gethen



5 years, 3 months ago

Basic Info


Kiera Valdis




Tiefling (dispater variant)

Class / Archetype

Rogue, Thief


Drawings of, or containing my Chaotic Lazy Tiefling Rogue, Akrasia. Her BFF for lyfe is Mindartas, our parties Drow Sorcerer.

Her hobbies include:

Being a murder hobo

Freeing Slaves

Fucking shit up

Peeing in bottles and selling it to dumb humans as "alcohol", careful, it's got a bite to it

- - -

All Akrasia remembers of her past is flames, fire engulfing everything around her, and what she can only assume was her savior, though their face was shrouded. Next she knew, she was a child alone, wandering a forest near the small village that would become her home for the next 14 years. The village's priest, a strange Lizard Man aptly named "Father Father" had found her and taken her back to the village Chief, a Golden Dragonborn. The Chief took her in, and not too much later, the Chief soon had an egg of his own. She was raised alongside the Chief's son, as siblings, for the majority of her life. All her years, she'd never seen another like her, but their village was a strange on she'd soon come to find out. Here, beast races lived together in relative harmony. Her youth was spent causing mischief with the Drow, Mindartas, while trying to keep her brother, and the priest's son, Biter, another Lizard Man, from finding out. All they did was ruin the fun, after all. It wasn't until she was 17 that her life really changed, and brought her to the realization that the outside world was not so friendly and accepting. When the mountain range to the north of their village cracked open, spilling lava out into the forest, and revealing a massive demon in it's lowest cavern, the four teenager's lives were forever changed. They set off with quests of their own, out into the wider world for the first time. All had their own goals, except for Akrasia, who was subjected to the cruelty of the world the most. None had ever seen a creature like her, and as such she faced cruel persecution from the humans they encountered. It didn't take long for her to begin harboring negative sentiments, and an ill will towards the fairer folk.