Amber Shine



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info


Amber Shine






Curvy & busty


Cute airhead


January 18




Check out her Wiki page [here] for additional information!


Amber Shine is a main character in my novel, serving as the only main female character until the third Season. She's an airheaded girl who loves all things cute and sparkly while dreaming of one day being a famous pop idol. Despite her childlike innocence, she's been known to have violent, aggressive tendencies that make her rather dangerous when angry. However, this trait was dropped in later Seasons when a more fitting character was added, leaving her as a clumsy ditz bumbling her way through life with a smile.


Amber is the epitome of a sparkly girly girl. I've always compared her to the Peppy personality of characters in Animal Crossing because she's just like them- an energetic girl who loves cute things and wants to be a famous pop idol. She's obsessed with things like fashion and her beloved lip gloss, believing them to be two things that will set her on the path to success. Unfortunately, she's not the brightest but has been known to have rather intelligent moments over the years. She often talks like a stereotypical blonde, saying "ohmigosh" and "like" constantly. Her general unawareness of any given situation makes her the perfect target for Zack and his schemes. For whatever reason, he seems to really dislike her. She has been shown to be quite the spaz and is rather incompetent at everything she does. She can't bake, she can't drive, she can't have a job. All of these things result in some sort of nuclear apocalypse with her being the sole survivor. Despite Nathan forbidding her from doing most things, she always seems to find a way to get behind the wheel or do something she otherwise would get in a lot of trouble for.

In Season 1 and Season 2, she was the main female character and so she took up something of a dual role between a sparkly airhead and a volatile, aggressive woman. While she was always acting cute and harmless, any insult that got thrown her way would transform her into a raging inferno of hostility that would obliterate anyone unfortunate enough to get in her way. In Clash of the Nutjobs, she claimed that she gives into her anger on purpose in order to set her apart from other pop idols and make her more unique. In the beginning of Season 3, she had a breakdown in Breakdown Road, lasting through The Acting Bug. After this, she shifted away from her aggressive tendencies in favor of her airheaded nature and Sarah took over as the resident dangerous woman.


Amber is a woman of average height with a curvy physique. In fan drawings, she has shoulder-length brown hair that curls a bit at the ends, but in the novel she's drawn as having shorter hair that flips on either side. Her outfit consists of a baby-blue t-shirt with green hems, blue shorts, and black shoes. In fan drawings, she could be seen with a skirt on instead.

Her redesign has her with the same shoulder-length hair but trades her outfit for a cream sweater, a dark floral-print skirt, and some brown boots. She also sometimes wears a pink backpack.