Jasper Crowley



8 years, 1 month ago

Basic Info




420 (although appears, claims to be, and should be considered to be around 24)


June 25 (Leo)


Human-blooded demon




Cis male (he/him)


Panromantic asexual (although he is mainly attracted to men)


Street musician

Physical description

Standing at a not-so-intimidating 5'6" with a physique that appears to be mostly runner's muscle, there's very little about this man that implies he's someone you shouldn't pick a fight with. He doesn't always look like this, though.


Depending on who you ask, Jasper Crowley is either a delight or a gigantic pain in the ass. He sticks like glue to anyone who's even remotely kind to him, and he appears incapable of sitting still and keeping his mouth shut. For what it's worth, though, he clearly enjoys making people smile and he'll protect those he cares about without a second thought, even as he deflects concerns about his own well-being.


Physical strength, combat skill, lighthearted nature, friendliness


Clinginess, aggressive nature, tendency to be irritating, dishonesty


Four hundred and twenty years ago, a sorcerer by the name of Billy-Ray Sanguine attempted to summon the Serpent of Eden (who now goes by the alias Anthony J. Crowley). Unfortunately, one rune was off enough to confuse the invoked forces enough that they looked at each other, shrugged, and spontaneously manifested a new demon with the summoner's blood running through it. A second attempt at summoning the Serpent was successful, but he cared more about what would happen if a man like Sanguine was allowed to raise a demon child, and took the baby as "payment" for summoning him. Jasper and his father, despite the distance between them, get along quite well when they do interact, and he has never met Sanguine.


In every generation, since approximately 400 years prior to the events of Deadly Mistakes, there's some random civilian with no historical importance who gives an account of a blond vagabond with a British accent who flatly refused to expose his eyes. The captain of a ship headed to the American colonies in the mid-1600s wrote a journal entry about a stowaway he'd encountered, one who'd claimed to have gotten into a fight with his father and stowed away on the ship on impulse. In the early 1700s, a farmer's wife sketched a strange man she'd found sleeping on her porch one night, noting the presence of two red lights that came and went as he did. In the 1800s and early 1900s...there's nothing, although historians note that many of the journals belonging to Civil War soldiers appear to be missing pages. A man in the 1920s wrote a letter to his parents about a friendly (albeit seemingly sad) man he'd met at a local pool hall. An amateur photographer in the 1960s snapped a photo of a young man sitting on the sidewalk and tuning a banjo. But all those accounts couldn't possibly be the same person. He'd have to be immortal!


Being around people, banjos, attention, fries, snakes


Being alone, dark nights, jelly beans, being ignored


Ed Sheeran


He's the fun one! The cool big brother of the group! Definitely not hiding anything!