Cherry Moon



5 years, 1 month ago


Cherry Moon


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Name: Cherry Moon

Alias: Guardian of Orphans

Gender: Female

Age: Eternal

Species: Candy fox

Orientation: Panromantic Asexual

Scent: Cherry, chocolate & mint

Size: Around #23

Voice: ...

Home: Candyland

A child-lover who takes care of any orphan she finds. Persistent, clement, cheerful and optimistic are what describes her the best.

  • Runs an oprhanage in her homeworld.
  • Can regenerate parts of her body, as long as her brain and heart are still functional.
  • Speaks in a mix of English and French.
Design Notes:
  • Fur melts like candy floss and tastes like cherry.
  • Hair and inner ear fur are mint-flavoured.
  • Legs and ears are made of chocolate; nose is an actual chocolate truffle.
  • Eyes are crunchy and cherry-flavoured.
  • The white squares along her spine are white chocolate, and so are her bones.
  • Blood is cherry juice; bone marrow is cherry jelly.
  • Kids
  • Dancing
  • Singing
  • Cavorting
  • Parties
  • Pessimism
  • Dark stuff
  • Fights