Yole's Comments

Hello! I'd love to buy this cutie nwn

Thanks so much for your interest ^u^ Please send the $4 here https://paypal.me/CassieM23?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US If you would like to help cover the paypal fees, paying $4.60 would cover them all but it's absolutely optional~! 

Lmk whenever you send the payment and I'll transfer them over!

It's no problem owo. I've done the $4.60 option n3n. Payment should be sent now qwq

Got it!! Thank you so much, it's the little things that make such a big help in the end ^u^ I'll transfer 'em over~ <3

It's no biggie :D! I didn't mind adding a bit more, as it isn't that much and it helps nwn. Thank you for the character nwn!

Of course~! Hope you enjoy them ^u^

1 Replies