


5 years, 1 month ago


One of the offspring of Epic and Relic, He reminds his father of his uncle, and grew up unintentionally neglected and emotionally abused. He loves his sister, Kuja, and when she falls ill with greencough he is the first to join his father to save her. When he demands to join to save her, Epic begins to see that his son is not his older brother, and they briefly reconcile over the journey to Mistveil Haven.

Once they cross over and save Kuja, Haibel has his first real love in a mate known only as 'Kudzu', and has four offspring. Two of them leave the herd, but two of them, Sativa and Indica, decide to stay. It is around the time of their family split that Kuja gives birth to a single offspring with Ananke, something that does not happen in Entelis. This is because while Kuja loves Ananke, Ananke does not love her back and did not consent to breed. When Epic exiles Ananke and splits the herd, Haibel struggles to support his father and sister. Slowly he begins to realize something is wrong with his father, and it becomes even more clear after he exiles Wicca with his unwanted sister, Ouijia. Unable to continue to reconcile his father's actions, he chooses to go with Wicca and Ouijia, vowing to stand by them as his family. He still loves his father and sister, but he does also adore his little sister and treats Wicca like the mother Relic never was to him. When she chooses to love Kisu, he is supportive, and even treats Kisu like a surrogate father.