


5 years, 1 month ago


Wicca is a spooky tree Enteli, and meets with Epic and his family on their way to Mistveil Haven. She has some knowledge of medicines, and joins the group to help keep Kuja alive long enough to make it to the island of legend. During the trip, she and Epic fall in love, and have three offspring; Okei, Kilage, and Ouijia. Epic is proud of his sons, but upon seeing Ouijia he is horrified and refuses to accept her. He finds her ugly to behold, and eventually can't stand her very presence and exiles her. Wicca goes with her daughter, and Okei goes with them, along with another Enteli named Kisu.

Later, when Ouijia is old enough to lead their herd, Wicca gives the title of leader to her and starts a family with Kisu, bearing four children who all have twisted trees like their father. 

While she did not agree with Ananke's exile, she did not speak against Epic, and regrets it.

When Ananke and Ouijia begin to fall for eachother, she is against them at first, but relents when she realizes that her daughter will not have the same fate as Kuja.