


5 years, 3 months ago


Name: Zuriel

Gender: male

Age: 25 years old

Personality: strict, menacing, honorable

About & Backstory

A former angel and Zach's twin brother. Zuriel and Zach were splitted at young age which means the loss of his left eye by fighting and trying to protect his brother.
As he grown up, he joined the "Angel Police", specifically to the investigation and crime brigade to investigate his brother's whereabouts that later on he decided to give up after so long. Now he's a current police officer on the big city and a great partner for Hector, making them the "good and bad cop" team.

He constantly keeps an eye on Kris due his crime record by weapon traffic and constant street fights. Zuriel caught Ghost and Kris escaping from a big demon, getting them both into troubles. Kris scared that he might be sent into jail while Ghost wanted to ask about the King's whereabouts, Hector set them free since they were innocent during the big demon incident.

Despite Zuriel being really serious and strict during his job, he provided the heroes help, giving them keys of his car to make the journey easier.


Zuriel and Hector are on a relationship and Hector is the only person who he can be vulnerable with.

No one knows how he became a fallen angel, some speculate from the "incident" that separated the twins.