
Name: Laurel Robyn Genesis

Species: Tree Nymph

Age: 34 (17 in a human lifespan) Born March 20th

Gender: Female


Traits: Laurel is nomadic, led by her curiosity and independence. Often, her curiosity leads her to be gullible and fall into others' traps. When confronted, she is too stubborn to admit her less desirable traits. Above all, Laurel remains kid to others and respectful for most living beings.

Hobbies: Laurel loves exploring. Though the life of a nymph is usually dedicated to one tree, Laurel loves befriending other trees and the nymphs that protect them. One day, she hopes to find the courage to leave the forest she calls home, and bring her tree with her. When at home, she often sews clothes, for herself and for the other nymphs who lack the skill. They make up for it by helping her pay respect to the gods.

Dislikes: Laurel is gullible, creating a perfect target for a satyr. They enjoy harassing her from afar, and she tries to keep as far away as possible. Despite her tree being evergreen, Laurel hates the winter months. She often helps the other nymphs collect the dead leaves of their barren trees out of respect.

Favorites: Despite her nomadic tendencies, Laurel always makes sure to return to her personal laurel tree. It has always welcomed her, ad she has always loved it. Laurel is at her best when the sun is shining bright, but also works happily during light rains. Her many friends come to her aid in dangerous situations, protecting her from harm and strengthening their bonds.

Story : 

All nymphs are the daughters of Zeus, and Laurel does not break such cycle. She was born in the roots of a newly-planted laurel tree, which would become her home. As a ceremonial way to celebrate both of their lives, Laurel snipped the first two bay leaves of the growing shrub and pinned it to her hair. It wasn't until their first winter together that Laurel ever journeyed out and away from her home. Upon getting lost, she asked the neighboring dryads for help, who then chastised her for being so far from home.

Laurel did not return to her tree until spring, just in time to stop a common man from chopping it down. The sewing needle that pierced his eye has been since buried, as not to remind her of her first assault of a living being. Laurel continues to explore the vast forest she resides in, hoping to make friends along the way.