


5 years, 3 months ago



"Humble yourself before you fight someone who will do it for you."

[ItS] Inherit the Stars

𝐂rescentmist is a feline who’s poison tipped words are just as biting as her canine teeth, often mistaken for someone whose merciful nature is not as situational as her kindness can be – tipping the scale between pleased calm and ruthless displeasure. A sour product of inadequate parents, and a born requirement for approval, she's grown to place her value in her status; ambitious almost to a fault. Outwardly, the feline appears to be exactly what she presents herself as; a pleasant warrior with a slight hot streak when pressed and rarely caught not appearing with a coy expression that never quite reaches the eyes. Though, others who see deeper claim her to be a creature of a poor heart - kin to dirt and filth flowing downstream.


Name Crescentmist, paw, kit
Age 29 Moons
Gender She-Cat, Female (She/Her/Hers)
Orientation Bisexual
Species Felis Catus
Affiliation Purebred RiverClanner
Occupation Warrior
Starting Date 02 / 06 / 2022 [29M]

  • Corvids [Prey]
  • Dawn Patrols
  • Admiration

  • Egotystical Felines
  • Competition
  • Speculation

Original Designer CHRONLCAL
Current Owner Tyerats / Grembls / Tye

  • Idealistic
  • Organised
  • Steadfast

  • Ambitious
  • Restrained
  • Stubborn

  • Coarse
  • Tempermental
  • Suspicious



𝐂rescentmist’s appearance is often distinguished by her pelt of dark hues and pebble white markings. A black she-cat of mainly desaturated colours, darker markings burnish the areas of her form that run the hottest: along her back, tail, paws, ears, and face, with the palest colours following a similar pattern that speckle across the strands of fur like the pits of the moon on the brightest nights. The pelt long and sleek, well-groomed except for the long locks that kiss her shoulders where they have grown and attempted to be kept away with vines. The optic pools, that remain half-covered, are a dark amber almost brown, her pupils almost seem to reflect light no matter the environment as if possessed.

the she-cat is built atop long limbs and a sloped form. Standing at an average height - maintaining eye contact with all those who she meets - with a body forged for offensive combat. Her most notable feature is the lack of a front right paw, instead replaced with a fairly sturdy prosthetic of wood and vine; lost from a pit fight infection gone astray in her fresh adulthood.

ACCESSORIES: Prosthetic Limb



  • HP POINTS [BASE]: 85
  • DAMAGE ROLL [DEBUFF]: d15 | - d5 [off] / -d2 [def]
  • ADVANTAGES: Perception


  • BIRTH MOTHER: Roachpounce, 39 Moons Old, She-Cat
  • BIRTH FATHER [DECEASED]: Brownpad, 18 Moons, Tom
  • AD. MOTHER / GRANDMOTHER: Sheepsneeze, 78 Moons Old, She-Cat
  • SIBLINGS [DECEASED]: Littlekit, Hivekit



Crescentmist, coined Moonkit, was born during a harsh Leafbare in the RiverClan nursery with two other siblings who perished shortly after. Her Mother, Roachpounce, could do very little to care for the lone surviving kit having only earned her warrior name 7 moons prior to the birth of her litter. The Father was never named publicly, and instead of addressing her error with maturity the Queen instead decided to abandon her kit and begin the work towards her dreams of splendor that came with the Deputy position she craved -- despite protest no one could convince her to take responsibility for her only offspring.

Two days after she was born hypothermia claimed the kits front right paw, forcing her into the Medicine Cat's care for a short period until she could safely return to her nest. After this event the Nursery was reinforced to prevent further chill from entering through the cracks in the walls. It was shorly after this event, having been passed between the three Queens in the den for the previous day, that Sheepsneeze stepped up to care for the kitten. Retiring to the Nursery rather than the Elders Den much to Roachpounce's displeasure.

If there was one thing every cat in RiverClan was well-aware of it was the hatred that brewed between Sheepsneeze and Roachpounce - Mother and Daughter though their shared blood did not cusion the spitting fits of arguments that they shared often. Only growing worse after Roachpounce abandoned Moonkit, Sheepsneeze's only grandkit. "You're a selfish, and idiotic kitten, Roachpounce. I didn't raise you like this!" the older feline would spit. Often resulting in the younger she stalking away.

Once Moonkit was introduced formally to the camp, eyes open and wide with awe, there was no one that could stop her from shadowing the Warriors like a ghost. Often getting underpaw, causing more than one warrior's visit to the Medicine Cat for a bloody nose.

Despite attempts from the kitten to speak to her Mother, Roachpounce often threw loaded insults at the little one leading to more than one argument between Roachpounce and Sheepsneeze while Moonkit could only watch from the shadow of the Wet Rock. Peering up at the towering boulder quiet and shivering, she'd seen her Mother often staring at the thing with envy perhaps...

The moons began to fly by the the Kitten, spending each and every day squinting at the Warriors from shaded corners as they trained together. A new aim in mind as Moonkit's sights set upon becoming the best of them, perhaps her Mother would recognise her as a worthy kitten if she became the Deputy. See how perfect she could be.

As an Apprentice, now named Crescentpaw, the young cat grew to become almost intolerable for a time merely due to a boundless energy and confidence that came with her fresh moons. Never seeming to become exhausted or deterred by the perilous training pressed upon her by her Mentor, Lightbeetle. It was Sheepsneeze that proposed the name change in order to seperate Moonkit from the she-cat who'd named her, and Crescentpaw had agreed however tentitvely.

Crescentpaw would never admit to knowing the reason for the chosen name, but harsh whispering and snapping words exchanged between parental figures were scorched in her memory from the days just before her Apprenticeship ceramony. "You want to change her name? Fine. Okay, but that little rat's name might as well be Crescentpaw. She's not worth the full moon's glow." Overheard, and unforgotten. These were the words that powered her onwards, unwavering but hurt.

Braving the scraped pawpads and knottled pelts; her own fur growing in odd-clumps the older she got. Awkward proportions not helping her case as she grew into something akin to an ugly duckling, pressing the shame into her training. Avoiding the negativity with an aim, an ambition.

Liked by many of the older Warriors, though few of her own peers, she grew into an excellent conversationalist but an unwavering bitterness seemed to shadow all her actions. Learning to intereract positively and politely with those who treated her unkindly - a slim and stick-like body unable to take the hits that a brawl could cause should someone take a problem with the loudness of her voice.

With the sheer brightness of her determination, becoming quite popular with the Elders who took quite a liking to how intently she would listen to their tales. One quipping how much Crescentpaw reminded her of her Mother, though that topic was quickly snuffed upon the rather negative reaction from ther young Apprentice; only sharing a single conversation with her since kithood.

Brownpad was killed just shy of her birth to one of the ShadowClan raids - Roachpounce had been forced to inform her once Sheepsneeze had noticed the curiousity Crescentpaw was displaying, rather than love for either of them. That he had been her Father, Crescentpaw had accepted that through some relief that he had not abandoned her, however morbid the truth was.

It was during this point, at 11 moons old, that things with Crescentpaw's behaviours begun to take a turn for the worst. A sense of acceptance had begun to settle with her that Roachpounce hadn't, and would never, love her no matter how much she worked or how hard she trained to become the best. Beginning to lash out violently, and rebel against Lightbeetle's teachings

After half-a-moon of this insulence, Lightbeetle finally had had enough. Threatening to delay her ceramony by moons should she not learn to behave, though it was actually the Medicine Cat who ended up declaring Crescentpaw unfit for Warriorhood soon after this conversation. The muscles in her shoulders growing painful and placing her at risk of more issues, so together the three devised a plan.

Learning to walk with a piece of wood strapped to her leg for balance, allowing for a stedier stride and little strain on her shoulders that had begun to curl and ache. Created with a great deal of trial and error with efforts from the Medicine Cat and her own bitter-tinged determination to be fit again. Stumbling and tripping until she finally began to understand how to work with it as a piece of her, rather than something attatched to her through the clever use of vine and web. Despite the chaffing long-use causes along the fur of her stump, often rubbing the skin raw and finding the wood in need of constant replacement due to the wet conditions, she continues to persivere with it's use. Even if it means she can no longer swim without having to go through the process of removing it less it cause resistance.

Through time, and effort, Crescentpaw finally grew into the name of Crescentmist. The name is given as a title of pride and achievement after her ability to slink through RiverClan territory unseen due to the darkness of her pelt and the quiet of her paws. Never quite still as she sat her vigil through the restless night, and upon Morning's light she began her trek. Life became routine, a simple thing filleed with an effort that burned her muscles and shaped her being. Growing into the best that smoothed and evened,m a body no longer spindly but strong; beautiful in her grace, but not quite humble in her ability. Crescentmist aimed to become an example of the absolute dedication one could place into their Clan given the oppertunity. Even as the cracks in her resolution grew wider each day, a stirring feeling of being stuck clinging to her paws like clay, the feline continues to move forwards.