Violet Snowdin



5 years, 3 months ago



  • age 19
  • gender Female
  • race Human
  • oCCUPATIONcontentUnemployed
  • theme

Stubborn • Rebellious • Passionate 

A frustrated pawn in the Mountain Kingdom's eternal quest for more power. She was once an orphan from the Light Kingdom, but kidnapped by the Mountain King for her immense magical powers. They dressed her up as a princess and masqueraded her as his daughter, but Violet wanted nothing more than to return home. 

When she turned out to not be as powerful as she appeared, her only use to the king was to marry well. Violet would not be having any of that. No interest in men and even less interest in helping the kingdom that kidnapped her. She's tried time and time again to escape, to return to her homeland in the Light Kingdom. Each time she's dragged back, but it does nothing to dissuade her, and each time she attempts escape again.

Violet is laid back, yet incredibly stubborn. She tries to put on an outwardly chill, yet tough persona, even if she is unable to live up to it. She doesn’t exactly take things seriously. Of course, she can get serious, but that's rare. She speaks very bluntly, which can some off as rude to some. You have to really earn her trust, she naturally distrusts people from the get-go. She’s intelligent, but doesn’t often show it.

Overall, she does everything she can to break from what she's being forced into. She despises the overly fake formality and dishonestly of the Mountain's nobility, and treats it with no respect at all.

 "Actually, I'd prefer you don't call me 'Your Highness'." 

height 5'10"

build  Average w/ Slight Muscle

pronouns She/Her

s.o. Lesbian

dob February 8th

sign Aquarius

ethnicity Cambodian

occupation Unemployed

Temperment Choleric

demeanor Realist

tarot The Chariot

Magic type Ice

Alignment Chaotic Good

value Not for sale/trade


  • Grape Soda
  • Skateboarding
  • Cold Weather
  • Stargazing


  • Formal Events
  • Dresses
  • Tight Spaces
  • Humidity




Violet is the descendent of the last remaining light magic user in the kingdom, known as The Lamplighter. Though they never married, a surrogate mother volunteered to carry the Lamplighter's child for the kingdom's future. Destined to take up the mantle of her parent's magic, Violet had large expectations set up for her before she was even born. However, a wrench was thrown in those plans when the Lamplighter was killed by members of the Chromatic Order of the Guardian Spirit, shortly before her birth. 

Without their guiding light, the community decided to come together to raise Violet, it takes a village, after all. 

As she grew older, Violet was allowed to roam the capital city rather freely, most people recognized the future Lamplighter by the birthmark beneath her right eye. As the former Lamplighter was close with the royal family, Violet often found herself in the palace. The prince, Áden, who was not much older than her, became somewhat of a brotherly figure to her. 

The warm and inviting nature of the Light Kingdom ensured she had a mostly happy childhood. 


One fateful day, the ruler of the Mountain Kingdom was visiting the palace for political reasons, when he spotted Violet playing with Áden. Taking note of her peculiar birthmark, and the notable absence of the Lamplighter from the royal court, the mountain king was soon able to piece together who she was. And just how valuable the magic power she held would be. 

The mountain king asked the light king if he could take Violet in, and when he refused to use the child as a bargaining chip, the mountain king merely ordered her to be seized from behind the light king's back. 

Being only around nine at the time, Violet couldn't fight back when knights of the mountain kingdom grabbed her from the palace gardens and threw her in the mountain king's carriage, despite her protests against what they called her "new home". 


Violet took to life in the mountain kingdom incredibly poorly. Being a new pawn for the mountain king, he posed her as his adopted daughter, a poor orphan from the light kingdom that he took in out of the kindness of his own heart. She couldn't stand it, and the toll it took reflected in her magic abilities, as the light slowly drained from the birthmark under her right eye. 

Unbeknownst to the king who had valued her only for her immense capability for light magic, she was beginning to lose that capability altogether. 

One day, with the last of her strength and magic, Violet made her first escape attempt. However, not knowing the way home, she just ran blindly into the snowy mountains, using her light magic to warm herself and keep away the frost. 

It wasn't long before she got lost, and tired, and the last glimmers of light she held in herself struggled to hold off the bitter cold winds. But, they were still enough of a light to shine through the winters storms and draw the God of Ice, Ysbrand, to her. 

Taking pity on her, Ysbrand originally intended to bring Violet back to the mountain kingdom, but she pleaded with him, eventually offering the last of her light magic if he returned her to the light kingdom. 

In exchange, Ysbrand gave Violet the blessing of ice, and a new magic replaced the fading light. 

Violet returned to the light kingdom, no longer a lamplighter, but home nonetheless.  


She was welcomed back to the light kingdom with open arms, but she didn't get a chance to stay there long. In the time that had passed since she'd been gone, the queen had died and it had thrown the king into such a state of grief that he refused to see anyone who was not already a member of the palace's staff or his own son. When the mountain king searched for Violet and found her back home, the light king was unable to stop him from bringing Violet back to the mountain kingdom. 

And so it went for several escape attempts, and as Violet grew older, the mountain king realized she had lost the light magic he'd originally prized her for. 


But, she was getting older, and beginning to catch men's eyes. So, she was forced into the look of a princess too. Though Violet firmly opposed the idea of being paraded around as a piece of meat to be married off to whomever the mountain king pleased, she had little power to object. 

Once the precedent to view her as a sexual object had been set, she became inundated with attention she didn't want. Violet became acutely aware of the eyes on her body at all times, and the things said about her, what people would do to her, and the rest. 

It wasn't something she just withstood, but she was often painted as irrational for lashing out. 

Violet reached a point where she could no longer stand it. At a royal ball, when a nobleman who was dancing with her decided to get too handsy, Violet retaliated by punching him in the face, breaking his nose. 

It was considered a public upset, and gossip about her "outburst" spread fast, but it gave Violet ample time to escape the castle again. 

Currently, Violet is living in the Light Kingdom, and the Mountain Kingdom hasn't tried to bring her back for a few months now. 

Áden Sekani Andradite

[ Sibling-Like ] The two have known each other since childhood, Violet having been friends with Áden since her days as a street urchin, before she was kidnapped and taken to the Mountain Kingdom. Áden is the closest thing she's got to a home. She also likes to tease him. 

Lyra Bloodstone

[ Dating ] Violet appreciates Lyra's gentle and caring demeanor, even if she's also very easy to startle. She doesn't care too much about her caginess, everyone's got something they don't want to talk about and Violet doesn't want to bother herself prying. She finds it comforting that they both understand the unsaid. They're each other's opposites, but more similar than Violet lets on.


[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.

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