Delos Aldanae



5 years, 3 months ago


"You're such a bitch."
Delos Aldanae



male (trans)


high elf





Erevan Ilesere

Aldan City


chaotic neutral



probably a lot











  • his brother
  • fur collar robes
  • having money
  • savory food
  • healing people

  • strangers
  • dragonborne
  • marshes and wetlands
  • getting his hair dirty
  • terfs

  • Delos is currently in a sort-of relationship with an Air Genasi named Zephyr.
  • Delos is indecisive and this could turn out to be fatal.
  • Delos's name used to be Damaris.
  • His family used to be bound to drow elves through marriage.
  • Delos loves to make puppets.

Born Damaris Fana Aldanae, second child and only daughter of King Abuzar Aldanae, Delos had a particularly lonely and difficult childhood. When he was very young, he was very close to his elder brother Severin (Solaris Abuzar Aldanae). However, when Delos's studies started, he was seperated further and further from his brother at the request of their parents. The two were to serve different purposes. Severin was to be groomed to take the throne when he came of age to do so, and Delos was to be trained in being a prim and proper wife.

When Delos was 16 years old, not even an adult by human standards let alone elf, the King was appraoched by a tribe of Drow Elves that lived and hunted in the woods that surrounded Aldan City. Very unlike the Drow, they came peacfully, and with an arrangement. They promised to protect the city from any outside threat in exchange for being housed within the city. They didnt mind living outside, however if they could live in prosperity, they would at least try. The King agreed, and they sealed the bond with an arranged marriage. Delos was to be married to the Queen Drow's only son, Nym. This was a win/win for both of the families, for the daughter of the king had no other use, and the son to the Queen was weak in comparison to her daughters.

Delos started seeing more and more of the little prince Nym, and eventually they began forming a bond. They would meet once or twice a month, and encouraged to get to know each other. Their arranged marriage was set to take place when they both reached the age 100. Their parents had started this early, but the two families needed time to sort things out and grow to know and trust each other. It was for the best that they wait. In that uncertain time, Delos grew closer to this boy.

Nym was a strange boy, but he grew up handsome. By the time they were both 22, they were becoming a bit more intimate than was strictly required of them. In fact, it was forbidden for them to engage sexually at all, but they were teenagers, and they were curious about it all. They never went too far, but lets just say they were very close. However, as they were becoming more familiar with each other, the King was becoming more and more unhinged.

The King and his wife were beginning to see other races as both inferior and hostile, active enemies that needed to be wiped out. They started with species that people wouldn't miss, and worked their way up. The relationship they had with the Drow had become strained. One day, a maid had caught Delos and Nym in bed together, and she resported this to the King. This gave the King a perfect opportunity to wipe out the Drow without causing too much unrest. The King beckoned all of the Drow into the kingdom, in order to discuss the terms of their contract once more. However, when they were gathered, he claimed that Nym had raped his daughter, and demanded they be executed for this betrayal. The Drow resisted, and some even escaped, but the main family and important figures were felled. Delos had been locked in his room during the event and couldn't escape.

Tensions officially peaked when the Royal family sent guards to kill a neighboring human colony that was nearly essential in trading. This was Severin's breaking point, and he decided to cut ties completely with his parents, bringing Delos along with him to organize a coup. When war waged, Delos didn't participate in the battle, but Severin went straight for their parents and decapitated both of them to make sure they paid for their crimes personally. The war attracted the attention of the larger ruling entity of Xuxal. Their soldiers came in and wiped the place clean, and then burned the city to the ground.

Now Delos and Severin travel together. They recently met up with other travelers in Eldrassal. They've been asked to go on a quest. Where will it take them?


Severin Aldanae older brother

Their relationship is complicated. They were close when they were younger, and since drifted a bit apart. However, currently, they have been growing closer again. Delos hates violence, but he would readily kill to save his brother. HE feels a bit guilty for not participating in the war in their hometown, even after all this time, and feels they should make this up to Severin somehow. Their deity also seems to have plans for him and his brother.

Zephyr lovers(?)

When Delos first laid eyes on Zephyr, he immediately felt some type of way about him. In fact, his crush on the air genasi kept Severin from leaving the group altogether. As they began to get to know each other, they discovered their individual baggage, and right now it's a bit complicated, like all of Delos's relationships. Ever since his family murdered Nym, he has been hesitant to form romantic relationships, since fate is not so kind to them.

Bixi friend

Though they don't talk much, Delos seems to feel he can trust thi older elf. He knows that one day they may be foced to part ways, but for now they're friends. He knows that his brother really trusts Bixi and wants to be close to the elf. Delos thinks this has something to do with filling the void in their life left by their parents, absent even before they were killed. Bixi is likely unaware of this.

Nym ex-fiance

Nym was a huge part of Delos's emotional development. His death left huge scars in Delos's psychy, making it difficult for him to form lasting relationships or to trust people who aren't Severin. Although his time with Nym was pleasant, mand at the time he could see himself beginning to truly fall in love with the Drow prince, the end was cruel and traumatic.