Marco Reyes



8 years, 1 month ago


NAME: Marco César Reyes-Iglesias ♦♦ PRONOUNS: He/his ♦♦ AGE: 35
 D.O.B.: 01/17/1985 JOB:PR specialist, logistician, advisor and overseer of less-than-legal business operations 
 RACE:Latino HOME:Satanic Domain
 SPECIES:Werepuma RELIGION:"Former" Catholic
 PHYSICAL: Dietary restrictions related to above ALIGNMENT:True neutral Tries to be lawful good, but will run the entire moral spectrum in pursuit of his goals.
 MENTAL:Depression PREFERENCE:Bisexual/Aromantic

MBTI TYPE: ISTJ ♦♦ TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic♦♦ SUN [  ] MOON [  ] RISING [ 
 HISTORY: Marco was born into a powerful crime syndicate centered in the southwestern United States. For much of his life, he did his best to keep his involvement to a minimum, only going so far as to do the bookkeeping and logistics for his Grandfather's business. Being the runt of his father's litter, this was considered to suit him well enough, and he was (mercifully) often overlooked for being a participant in the bloodier, shadier dealings he knew full well about from his father's and brothers' involvement.

Nevertheless, his family had played loan shark to the wrong little old man, and believing even a weakling like Marco would intimidate him, sent him and but one of his brothers out to collect. The man was in fact a powerful sorcerer who killed his brother and punished Marco by changing him into a werepuma. When Marco returned to his family many days later, shaken and changed both physically and mentally, he began to consider that perhaps he had deserved this fate. That what his family did to so many others, extorting, intimidating, murdering them (among other things), was an unbearable weight of sin to live with.

Though he'd never been a terribly religious man before, a Catholic in name only, he began seeking a way to atone for his family's actions. Using his position, he began to go over data meticulously, as well as carefully becoming more involved in his family's politics, looking for ways to mitigate the harm done, but in doing so began to uncover a deeper and more terrible truth: his family's wealth and power, and their patriarch's ascent into it, was acquired by means of a contract between his grandfather and Lucifer Herself.

Though it would take a greedy man to make such a deal in the first place, Marco believed that this deal led greed to consume his grandfather and many of those around him by extension, ruining any capacity for morality and sympathy they had. Doubling down on his convictions to make right what his grandfather had done so wrong, and aware now that the Devil existed, he came to reason that somewhere out there God and his angels must have as well. Though he lacked faith that God would ever answer someone like him directly, he began to look for reports of angelic activity, eventually tracing a path to the door of a certain angel as determined to put an end to the forces of Hell as he was, and willing to bring him into the fight against them as a saboteur.

Luna's Original Marco:
Almost all of Marco's family was killed by Luna after his Don of a grandfather threatened to kill her if she refused to work for him, but since Luna erased herself from much of her past and opted to prevent paradoxes by rekilling everyone she previously had, he has no idea what her motivations are for doing so were. He managed to track her to New York and set what remained of his family's thugs on Luna, to no avail, and was then in turn hunted down and beaten to a pulp by her. Decided to forgo immediate revenge/death and instead offered to work as her agent in exchange for helping him further his own goals in gaining control over local crime bosses. Having not forgotten his grudge, however, and trying to learn exploitable details about Luna led him to discover the supernatural element of New York. Paid a poor sorcerer to turn him into his current species with the assumption that it will lead him to find a power to match Luna's. 

After convincing Luna's former employers that she was too dangerous and too reckless to work with, Luna and Marco had a falling out but parted in peace. During this time Marco took to reevaluating his approach, no longer seeking a means of besting Luna, but looking for some means of getting leverage over her through her ties to others. In order to do so, he reconciled with her and apologized to her, and is currently trying to gain her trust until an opportune time to betray it and punish her for her action arises.
  • bulleted list 
  • of other 
  • information
  • just neat stuff about them!
 LIFESTYLE:Upper middle class but borderline acetic, miserly
 LIKES: Sleeping, reading, righteous fury
 DISLIKES:Most sweet things other than fruit, being analyzed.
 POSITIVES:A humanitarian at heart, determined to do the most good for the greatest number of people, tries to persuade others away from unnecessary cruelty
 NEUTRALS:Logical, resolute, analytical, cautious
 NEGATIVES:Aloof, manipulative, deceptive, vindictive, sarcastic and bitter.

 It's gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage. 

 BUILD:Lean, not quite bony but pretty close
 HAIR:Short, straight, black/ warm grey fur when shifted
 EYES:Dark brown/pale yellow when shifted
 CLOTHING:Almost always seen in some form of business attire
 OTHER:anything else notable
 EXPRESSIONS:Reserved and rigid posture, stoic and dignified expression is most common
 FACECLAIM:if applicable; name or photo links
 VOICE: Nacho Varga (Michael Mando) from Breaking bad

 SKILLS:Observant, persuasive, decent aim and reflexes, learns new skills quickly
 POWERS:Werecougar form: Consistently has heightened senses of smell and hearing, pretty good night vision; grows in height to 6'9" and gains species-appropriate strength, speed, and reflexes for the duration of the shift.

Angel form (to be revealed): Size variable, dependent on how much power he's been blessed with but can range anywhere from his human height to 10'. Can fly, create light constructs like swords and shields, and flash step.
 WEAKNESS: Tends to make too many assumptions about what he knows. Is forced to shift on new moons and is incapable of shifting on full ones, process of shifting, especially when forced, is uncomfortable, and painful if rushed. Does not retain color vision or ability to vocalize when completely shifted. Constantly fatigued by fasting on all days except on new moons.
 OTHER:Can eat raw meat with no ill effects. Isn't poisoned by most foods that are harmful for cats, but derives no nutrition from them, or most plant matter, either.


OBTAINED:Made this one
STATUS:Not uft/s
LIMITS:is surprise art ok? is gore/nsfw art ok?


Duplicitous, bitter and vindictive but pretends to be above caring about anything that isn't practical to his goals; claims to be motivated only by ambition and greed, but only partially is. Acts mostly friendly, if insensitive and kind of vain. Is only genuine with others when he's angry or profoundly inebriated.


Alive: Uncle (Benjamin Sawyer), two cousins (Antonio and Angela Sawyer-Reyes)

Deceased: Everyone else

Strengths and Weaknesses

Strengths: Mentally, has sharp analytical skills, generally very good at positioning others to his favor, deflecting blame for his actions. Physically, consistently has heightened senses of smell and hearing, pretty good night vision; can shift into a 6'9" tall werecougar and gains species-appropriate strength, speed, and reflexes for the duration of the shift.

Weaknesses: Increasingly worsening anxiety and depression, tends to make too many assumptions about what he knows. Is forced to shift on new moons and is incapable of shifting on full ones, process of shifting, especially when forced, is uncomfortable, and painful if rushed. Does not retain color vision or ability to vocalize when completely cougarized.