Yireve T/ $30



5 years, 2 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade



Name Yireve Tetaloni
Called Yiri, Eve, or Evie
Age ? ? ?
Gender Female
Race Elf
Role DPS
Alignment Chaotic Good

Yireve is a free spirit through and through. She does everything according to her own rules which often lands her in more trouble than it's worth. She has a kind heart and wants to help people around her but, is extremely tactless when it comes to doing so. She jumps head first into danger and is often pulled back by her friends just in the nick of time. Inquisitive to a fault Yireve is always seeking an answer, even if there really is none. It is that eccentric and impulsive nature that lead the little elf to a curious portal in the forest. Without much thought, she threw a rock into the portal... and then herself.


  • Bugs
  • Horses
  • Berries
  • Archery


  • Seafood
  • Clinginess
  • Housework
  • Restrictions


Yireve was born into a wholesome and loving home. She was fortunate as a child and adored by both her parents equally. Ever since she was a girl Yireve admired her father's archery skills. The way he shot arrows and dodged everything she tried to hit him with left a deep impression her. She thought there was no one cooler than her dad and wanted to be exactly like him. Her mother, however, wanted Yireve to learn earth elemental magic but Yireve wasn't interested. She found magic monotonous.

There was no running around, no parkour, no nothing. To the small elf, magic felt boring and safe. She knew it was efficient but, she didn't want that for herself. She wanted to have fun. Her mother did not give up and made her study at least the basics of earth magic for survival. Her father saw the efforts of her mother and decided to learn with his daughter in order to encourage Yireve to learn a thing or two from her mother. Reluctantly Yireve ended up agreeing with her father's encouragement.

Yireve was not naturally good at archery. It took her many years of hard work and dedication to finally reach an exceptional level. She felt this was because her mother made her study magic on the side but, that was far from the case of why she was so terrible. The blonde elf was clumsy and careless with everything she did. She was impatient and tried doing things that were much higher than her level of expertise, thus getting her hurt quite often. Still, Yireve never gave up no matter how hard the challenges were. Her determination eventually helped her through her thoughtless actions and she began to demonstrate masterful skills at the tender age of thirteen.

Her parents were proud and gleefully talked about their daughter's skill to friends, family memebers, and strangers. This caught the attention of the royal guards who came to see Yireve display her set of skills. They were not disappointed as the hyper and happy-go-lucky elf was ready to show off everything she had. She was recruited into the guard on the spot. Of course, Yireve wanted to leave right away but her parents insisted she stay a while longer to make sure it was what she wanted to do with her life. In no less than a week Yireve was off to the guard.

The peculiar elf was surprised to find that other members her age and even younger were part of the guard. In a way, she was relieved that she wasn't the only one of her age there. She found herself right at home in the guard and was easily able to make friends and a few enemies fairly quickly. As the years passed the royal guard become somewhat of a bore to the unusual elf. She felt that her freedom was ripped away and she started to regret her choice in joining them all those years ago. This made the free spirit in her become somewhat chaotic. She wanted to escape and go on new adventures. Frequently she would find herself sneaking out and dragging her best friend along with her as she looked for a new sense of meaning.

Yireve never planned to fully leave the royal guard ( that was desertion after all ) but, a large part of her just needed to escape that place. She began taking bolder risks, adventuring further and even asking her friend to cover for her. She lived for the thrill of slipping away and then coming back as if she had never left. She was never caught up until the moment she disappeared without much of a trace.



Chi [ Best Friend ]

Chi was her first friend in the royal guard. They had been bunkmates for years and Yireve feels a special bond with Chi. The satyr usually does everything the strange elf wants without much of a fight. They share a lot of time together and Yireve enjoys Chi's gentle company... and also appreciate the times Chi saves her lives with her cautious nature.


Luella Kassavear [ Stranger ]

Yireve doesn't know her personally. What she does know is that she is the princess of Maevulia Kingdom and is allied with her current kingdom.


Fenrir [ Frenemy ]

Yireve keeps running into this cocky mage whenever she sneaks away from her duties. They don't get along in the slightest as he's quick to lecture her and speak to her in a condescending way. Yet despite their rivalry, these two always manage to end up saving each other from terrible would be situations. Though, she would never consider that real friendship. A lot of the times she'd simply rather have died than be rescued by this jerk. Yet, she can't help herself when he's in danger and she has a chance to save him. "Payback" is what she calls it.

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