Alien Big Cat



5 years, 1 month ago



Birthday: Undecided 

Alien Big Cat, or ABC as she is often called, is more often than not a friendly cryptid. She's kind, cheerful and isn't known to raise her voice. She's a bit of a troublemaker though and is often out and about prowling the area. She especially likes wide open fields and forests. As her cat name suggests, she is quite flexible and has reflexes like a real cat. She is able to escape easily from any sticky situation. ...Besides forgetting to do homework at least. She's best friends with Black Shuck, who's prickly attitude is much different to her own. Other cryptids wonder why the two are best friends but ABC sees something in Shuck that no one else does. The two are mostly side by side and do many things together.

She comes from Britain which is also not her true birthplace. ABC herself has no idea where she was born and makes jokes that she popped into existence one day. Regardless, she remembers living in Britain for most of her life. She has quite the accent because of it. Now, she resides at the Cryptid school. (and also doesn't come from space)